Three years ago, I finally got up the nerve to post the novels I had written up to that point on BCTS. Frankly, I was a bit apprehensive. September 2008 was a big month in many respects. About the same time I started posting The Heart of the Beholder I found out that I had prostate cancer. The night before I went in for what proved to be a horrible ordeal of three weeks in the hospital and three surgeries, I posted the last chapter of The Narragansett Fork. That one is still one of my favorites because that's where I found Fanny. Fortunately, I had Musetta's Waltz waiting to be posted because my brain was totally screwed up by too much anesthesia. I wasn't able to work, write, or do much else for nearly six months. Fortunately, my muse was able to kick in. Right now, I am working on my seventh novel in the California saga series. It will probably be the last one of that group.
I have many ideas for continuing the Cynthia Chronicles, and as soon as I complete the current novel, I will probably start on them. So after a million words or so, I am running out of gas. We'll just have to see what happens. I want to thank Gwen for reading my stories and telling Holly (HHH) about them. Holly's help with my grammar and sentence structure has been invaluable. Please everyone, send as many good thoughts as you can in her direction. Thanks to Louise Anne for her help with The Redhead and the PM. She helped me get the locale correct. Thanks to all those others who offered suggestions and corrections.
Thanks to those loyal readers (Stan, 'Drea, Laika [Ronni], John, RH in San Diego, Richard, and many others) who were thoughtful enough to leave comments, votes, and kudos.
My current effort will have very little, if any TG element to it; however, those few loyal readers out there will know many of the characters. This is mostly a background novel, taking us back to the very beginning of the series. The title is Saint George and the Dragon. I will let you figure out who the 'Dragon' is.
If you write it, I will come
No, that just sounds wrong. Anyway...
There are many writers whose work I love here. There are only a few that I simply cannot resist reading, and you are in that group. I love your stories, and I still want to find someone who will help me get the Saga in Dead Tree Hardcover form. It's on a CD now-I want my grandkids to read it. I just need to remember where I put it...
More stories? Bring it on, TG or not.
Love you,
As one of your admirers....
...I am looking forward to your next effort, and I am confident that it will be great. All my best to you, dear heart!!!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Three Years and Still Going - But Not so Strong
Please take care of yourself. Your health more important than any story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Your stories are always a pleasure to read
Even the dark bits like some of Musetta's story.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa