Road to Myself 21: On the Road Again

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Road to Myself - 21: On the Road Again
Annette MacGregor

After only being on the road (with work) three weeks out of fifteen months it seems my luck has changed. All of August (except for the week of Vacation) was spent at a client in Pennsylvania. Now, I find myself commuting to the DC area. Working out of town has it's ups and downs!

If it's not been obvious from previous blogs, I'm a consultant for a major hardware/software manufacturer. As a result, I work on projects with our various clients (software side - mostly). When I'm lucky, the work can mostly be remote, or at least in a simple commute. (This was the case for most of the last year and a half.) August had me traveling to Pennsylvania (About a four (4) hour drive... So I had to camp out in a hotel...)

If you didn't know, packing TWO (2) wardrobes is a tad more difficult than one. Extra shoes and the works. Danged inconvenient, if you ask me. LOL But, it's that or spend the time away from home in guy mode. I do get out less often, at home, with the older daughter not in University any more. *sighs* So, this helps on that front.

The down side is how much harder it is to keep to a diet when I'm traveling. So many places to eat serve way too much food, and I still have to FIGHT myself to not "clean your plate". (I fight that battle at home, but since I can be the one filling the plate, I can use smaller servings! That's a big help.) Most "business" hotels have decent exercise rooms - so if work allows, (and I try to make sure), I get in a long workout on non-travel days. But, when traveling it's hard.

This trip - being when it is, I missed my younger daughter's first day in the High School... I did get a report though. So far, she really likes her teachers. One of them, she was a bit creeped out by... She said - after he read attendance - he spent the rest of the class keeping looking at her. As soon as she told my wife and older daughter they both knew why he did it. The older daughter had been in his class nine years ago... He was recognizing the name (and face to a large extent) but not sure why. He's a good teacher, so I'm sure there'll be no issue. Just wish I'd been able to be at home.

Now, I'll miss her debut on the field in the Marching Band (first home game, on a brand new field) is Friday evening. My train's not scheduled to leave until about 6pm). *sighs* (I'm going to try to get out early so I can get there, assuming they play, given the rain.) Don't care much about the football game, but do enjoy the band. Even more, I like to be able to support my kids!

I'm back down here next week, for the same client. Then, I may be working on another client down here through the end of the year. Sounds like I'll be able to be remote for much of that one! YEAH.

Oh - what's all this about? I've been getting out, for dinner, in the evenings. Luckily it's warm, as I forgot to bring a jacket for Anne. Silly me. And, a guy's trench coat? No, I don't think so. But, maybe I'm wrong. Yesterday morning, all suited up, trench coat, pony tail... I stopped by the front desk to report the VERY leaky faucet in the tub. The gentleman behind the counter looked up and said, "How can I help you, ma'am." I assure you, I did a double take. That's NOT something that's happened to me in the past two decades. I have to WORK at it to consistently get ma'am'd in person. (Still can't manage on the phone.) It was all I could do to keep from checking if I'd accidentally put on earrings or my necklace was showing, or something... I did check LATER, and no, none of those things.)

Makes me wonder what people see, when they look. It really does. Oh, in case I wasn't clear, I didn't complain at his reference. :-)

Last night, I met the President of the LGBT advocacy group for my company (I'm on the board). We had a ladies night out. There was a nice Asian restaurant around the block from my hotel. A tad on the expensive side, but the food was very good. Company was good, too. To hear her talk, she has quite the wardrobe - taking "retail therapy" every chance she gets. LOL

What's next? I don't know. I do need to work out how and when I'll start coming out at work, and that needs to be before the open enrollment period (benefits wise) if I want to take advantage of the trans medical benefit! (It's NICE to have a deadline, I think.) I believe I've made it clear to all of you that I'm doing my dangdest to get through this with my family intact. Sometimes, it feels like I'm getting nowhere. A friend pointed out to me, on more than one occasion, that perhaps their not telling me when THEY're ready to take the next step is because I'm not pushing... And they think I'm not pushing because it has less urgency. *sighs* Sounds like a catch-22 to me. But, things are happening. If I can work remotely for much of the rest of the year, I'll be able to get a lot of those things moving along. AND, I'll be there when needed, by my family.
Thanks to all two dozen readers. I appreciate all of your clicks, and specially your comments. :-)

What's next? How will my trip to DC (Arlington, VA) go? Time will tell. In any event, if you got this far, thank you. If anything I've said strikes up questions please ask. (Not that I expect anyone to get this far, mind you... LOL)


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