What are your Superpowers?

What with the Comics Retcon and The Center and all, we all have an appreciation of just what a superpower is, don't we? And unless some of you out there aren't telling us something, in RL superpowers aren't going to be available anytime soon.

However, some of us are blessed with certain obscure talents, and I wondered if maybe you'd like to share them with the rest of us.

For instance, I believe my best superpower to be Packing. I can get more things into any box, drawer, room, shopping bag, and, when I was a courier, van, than anyone I have ever met.

...and usually quicker at packing than anyone else, too.

Related to this is a skill at laying out printed circuits. In a previous lifetime I did this for a while, and was deemed quicker and more efficient than the computer programs available at the time.

I also have Maps, which some seem to think is a purely male skill. Nope, my sister has it, and so does my eldest son, so that one must be genetic. My son is better than me, so much so that he is a professional map-maker now.

Related to that is Location. I almost always know exactly where I am and which direction I'm facing. The one or two spots where this fails seem to relate to large masses of iron ore nearby. I did wonder if a recent MRI scan would kill it, but it seems not.

I can Feel Electric Currents merely by gently wrapping my hand around a cable. (Has to be more than a couple amps, though.)

I also used to have Finding, but I think I lost that one ;)

Lastly, I have Granamas, oops, Anagrams. I can generally get any anagram just by looking at it briefly. If it doesn't come straight away, if I walk away it will generally pop up of it's own accord a few minutes later.

So, that's me, mostly. (I won't mention the third eye or the frequent falling over.) What about you lot? Anything strange you'd like to reveal to us? This is not intended as a "Mine's bigger than yours" contest, just a little light fun.
