Blog By Stanman63 |
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Stanman May Your Light Forever Shine |
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Blog By Stanman63 |
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Stanman May Your Light Forever Shine |
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Not good
Shit... what'S up with your body that you need so many pills?
Consider the not so good
Consider the not so good alternative to the pills? I take 5 different pills a day, 4 in the morning, 1 + 1 that is taken twice a day after dinner. Better living through chemistry, kinda, sorta...... :))
Put on some corduroys, a handfull of change in your pockets, a smile on your face and take your pills.
Take a walk and you'll be making some sweet music as you go :)
8 pills? Not so many...
I'm sure a LOT of folks here could play "one up" on that... I more brag about getting RID of pills from my cup!!!
Sadly, my evening cup has ten (10) Pills, and my morning cup two (2) (except on Sundays when I get a 3rd), and that doesn't include the prescribed meds that are NOT in pill form. And I've eliminated three pills over the last two years...
As has been mentioned, some of these things seem to help us stay alive/healthy. I assume yours are for the same purpose (keep you alive and relatively healthy). I hope they have a beneficial impact on you.
Not So Many!
I take 9 pills every Morning and 4 more at dinner time every night. That's twelve a day and if my blood pressure doesn't come down at my nx doc visit it could be more. Richard
Only eight?
Since I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1997 I have had to create a shelf for my medicines. I take eleven in the morning and five at night, all but one are a repeat from the morning, plus I take two insulin shots daily.
My belief is that my Maternal grand Parent and Paternal grandparent each had different illnesses, so when I was born all the illness genes were transferred to me. None of my blood siblings are one any sort of meds, Maybe I should have done drugs, chain smoked and stayed in the bars. None of this happen to me while I was running wild, never did drugs, But I can't complain I take three psychotropic medications in the morning. Life has gotten better through chemistry.
Stan, Not sure of your age but things can be hereditary and someone has to be the recipient, Your in my prayers.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
how are we counting them?
I have 5 *different* supplements I'm taking, instead of pills, which I can't afford.
Problem with supplements though, is that often the mg per tablet are not the same as the dose. I actually end up taking 8 physical tablets in the morning, 6 in the evening, 4 at lunch, and 2 at midday-snack. That's 20 total...
This doesn't include the energy shots I also take just to keep going at work at a good enough pace to keep the bosses happy.
Abigail Drew.