A picture of critically injured Foxy
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
A picture of critically injured Foxy
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Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
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Maddy, what are we looking at?
the main frame of Foxy - there shouldn't be any gap!
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Looks like it's TIG time
Maddy, Could you not find a local engineers with a Tig welder to weld it back up?
Even if it's only works temp. it'd keep you on the road.
That looks awful. Terminal...but look on the bright side: n+1 is now excused.
whats n+1?
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Whether it be musical instruments or bikes, the ideal number to have is 'n+1' where 'n' is the number you already have.
It is often used as a shortcut for "Oooh! I can go bike shopping!"
in my situation
its oh shit another broken bike and no money and given that bikes are my only means of transport thats a big issue.
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell
At Watt are we gazing?
It looks like the differentiator separated from the motivator?
Shocking News 2
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Am I right in thinking
A Nice ride around Manchester to finish off the Sparkle weekend.
it's the receiver bracket for the suspension cylynder. Whatever it is, yup! It's terminal ... lots of fractured aluminium.
She's well and truly folded now. Bet you're gutted.
RIP. Foxy.
I've got plenty of spare bikes, but they're real old, cheap, steel framed road bikes, varying sizes. Unless someone else funds shipping, the bikes are in Tempe AZ, USA.
I've been warned against welding up a broken Al bike frame. I was told that the only way to do it is to weld then heat the whole frame to stress relieve it. I didn't find out if this heat/cool cycle could produce the same hardness as a new frame. Steel cooled fast is harder, cooled slowly is more ductile and softer, but Al is the opposite. Cooled fast the Al is softer; to get the hardness the alloy is designed for, slow cooling with soaks at one or more constant temperatures are needed. The Al is harder because of mini crystals or some such defusing into the boundaries between the crystals. With out this, the Al crystals can slip past each other more easily and the alloying elements are spread evenly thru-out the Al.
I was told that a just tig welded frame, will soon break again at the weld. Probably a good braced redesign could be made that was strong enough to compensate for the weaker welded area, or even bracing that screwed on or was clamped, but that's way beyond my pay grade.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Biggles would fix it
with a bit of chewing gum - but then I'm not an engineer.
Angharad :)