Hey everyone! Brandy DeWinter has a new story up at her site. It is a Whateley universe fan story. Being a fan story it is not part of the official Whateley Cannon. You can find it here http://www.geocities.com/brandy_art/dream/dream1.html
Be patient
I tried twice and the data transfer limit has been exceeded.
Someone may need to e-mail Brandy and see if she can post it to Bob Arnold's Stardust or The Crystal Hall.
I love her work and would dearly like to read this one as she has been less active of late.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
After the shameful manner she was treated in that caused her withdrawal, I doubt if she will post it anywhere but her own site, and she will not allow it to be posted. Geocities does limit the data transfer, so if you can't get in to it, try again.
Dream Lover
Brandy's Whateley story Dream Lover is wonderful! It may drift from official cannon but I spent an entire morning reading this. I didn't know Brandy had had problems but this story is a must read for any of our Joanie Time-out readers. The mind boggles at Joanie and Dreamer meeting. I left a note asking if she would consider posting here or at Stardust, but only time will time.
If you go to the original Brandy's geocities site, there is a link there that explains it. It was pretty ugly the way a few people treated her after she posted something. It caused her to withdraw totally, then she slowly started talking with people. Now she can at least write, but she only posts stuff to her own site. At least we get the benefit of her writing that way. Its a shame the way some people carry on.