It is with great sadness and a few scrapes and hurts that i have to announce the demise of my faithful steed Foxy. On the way home tonight she hada major failure which luckily occured on a bit of traffic free road as i ended up in a heap on the floor.
I think someones trying to tell me something as i only lost Ginny a few weeks ago so a double bike bereavement is a bit of a hint.
I've escaped serious injury so thats good i think and it could have happened on our recent trip around Denmark or on a busy road.
Allow me offer my condolences
it's a great loss, and as Lady Bracknell might say, 'To lose one bike is a tragedy, to lose two is verging on carelessness.'
I know your velocipedes will rise phoenix-like from the ashes, I have great confidence in you.
*Shocking News*
Glad you are OK.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Sorry to learn of your irreplaceable loss.
A Nice ride around Manchester to finish off the Sparkle weekend.
I sincerely hope you will have a suitable mount for the Gabython.
Long may you continue to ride and safely.
Bicycle Heaven
Farewell Foxy, it was your time
You have freewheeled off to that sunny clime
Where all good bikes spend eternity
With those majestic fountains of WD-40
And air for your tyres that's always free
Where there's nary a thorn, a tack or a nail
Where your wheels stay true and your brakes never fail
Where you'll find the wind always at your back
And saddle surfaces never crack-
Christ Almighty I'm such a hack.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
now now...
Just because you lost a coupla bike's doesn't mean you should stop riding. Just means you need new bikes ;P
Wish I could get a new bike... it's a miracle my old rust bucket still goes with the torture I put it through. A true testament to the abilities of the local bike shop, that one.
Trek 820's (mountain bike, but I can't afford two bikes, and I do love hitting dirt trails when I can) really weren't built for riding as fast as motorist traffic, especially during nasty storms. ;P I've burnt so many break pads it ain't funny.
Just the other day some idiot raced in front of me to a red light on my ride home from work and braked suddenly, forcing me to squeeze my pads so hard that I was smelling the burning rubber well before I stopped just shy of rear-ending the bastard. The light of course turned green just as I stopped. If the idiot HADN'T raced in front of me, I'd've been going through a green light, which I of course knew this... I have the timing of those lights down pat.
Abigail Drew.
It's terrible to lose a faithful mount such as Foxy. I remember seeing those pics of her like yesterday. And Ginny on top of that. The only good thing to come of this is the anticipation and anxiety of looking for a new steed that can serve you as well as the old friends did. Good luck in your search.