I am aware of how to bookmark a story, that is pretty basic and I'm fairly literate computer speaking. However, some of these stories very, very long indeed. Julie O (who is whom I am reading) has very long stories, but she puts chapters in them (thank you). I jot the chapter down I am about to read when I put it up.
Is there a way to mark where I am within the story when there aren't chapter numbers? I also like it when the chapters are actually broken up, but I understand this is a hassle. If there is a way to go within a website and put it back in that location I would appreciate the heads up. Thanks.
Bookmarking in a story
Only way I can think of involves going round Murphy's barn. Use the printer-friendly page to save the story in a file. Load the file into some program that lets you leave bookmarks in the file.
Sorry I don't have a better way.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
That's what I do. I download the story into a WORD file
I have a convention I use.
which you will never find in a story makes a good marker so I can go back to a spot. I just have to remember ot remove it before I go on.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Possible solution
There isn't an easy way to do that unless the story has been specifically designed to allow bookmarks within the page (using html, putting id's on elements, or anchors). There may be some extensions/addons depending on your browser but at a glance I couldn't find any.
One workaround I would recommend would be to bookmark the page, and instead of the default page name, use a few consecutive words from the last sentence you read. Then when you load the bookmark, you can hit ctrl+f and search those up.
Learned something
I'm going to have to try that method, it will help. I have been using a folded piece of paper instead of a mouse pad, it works quite well and also allows for notes. When it wears out another sheet of paper replaces it.
The fact Julie O has chapters also makes it quite usable, I would encourage other authors to do the same.
Firefox with the Session Manager extension
I use the Firefox browser There is an extension called Session Manager. After saving a session, you can restore it, and it will restore the browser session opening whatever pages you had open, and also the position in the page you were at.
--Brandon Young
--Brandon Young
Very appropriate
Since I do use FireFox 3.6
This could be done by two means
A) A browser extension that remember the exact location on the page .
B) An internal, in-site, drupal extension that allows to bookmark a phrase for later reading ( This is going to have to be a unique phrase/sentence ).
I can do B, but I am not sure if Erin will want to add it or if anyone will use it ( most stories in here are divided to small parts).
One solution
...is to use a different browser. Opera does save sessions including location in the page. I think it's the default setting but might need you to go into the program preferences and enable sessions, not sure.
(Speaking as a user of *every* major browser, Opera is often a forgotten gem - it's session handling is by far the most advanced, without extensions or even with. And it's no more quirky than any other browser.)
I am the resident computer numno so my solution to that problem is really low tech. I have a paper tape at the side of my screen and just note where the little slide is when I stop. I just have to remember how many inches it is, and what screen resolution I was using is all.
A lot of good ideas very quickly. I really do appreciate it!
I'm reading a oldie but goodie from Julie O on Stardust called "The Scholarship". It is quite a long read.
Another Way
I just generate an eBook.
I take the Html page. Manually change to a specific Xml format.
Then Generate the eBooks. (.Lit, .Txt, .Prc, .Html ... and now .ePub and .PDF)
The eReader keeps track of the pages and chapters for me.
But that is just me. :D
Only problem is, I cannot keep up with it all.