Chatroom up again

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The chatroom is up and running, at least for the moment.

so come and enjoy while it lasts.


Yes it is

bobbie-c's picture

I'm over there right now. It's pretty empty though.

To see Bobbie's blogposts, click this link: 
To see Bobbie's stories in BCTS, click this link: 
To see Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click this link:
To see Bobbie's old Working Girl Blogs, click this link: 


I never could get that chatroom thingie to work...

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D


Do you get the java pop-up window asking to block unsafe expressions? if so, tell it no so the software will run, but only if the address is correct. If you don't get that far, you need to see if your java has the certificate for the chat server in place. I will need to check on the cert's location and name and get back to you on it. but first need sleep :(



ok, stayed up to look at it in the security tab of java (control panel in windows, java preferences in Applications in OS X). There should be one there for JPilot Software Company; if not, you will need to import it again, but I will leave that for another day :P
Forgot, you should also check that java is enabled in the browser for the chatroom sites
and I am rambling, time for me to journey to the land of Nod, to sleep, perchance to dream...

everyone's gone home

bobbie-c's picture

Well, everyone's gone home for the night. But most everyone's agreed on a 9PM (est) meet-up time every weekday. So, although not everyone can make it, 9PM is the unofficial meet-up time.

It's easy to log on to the chatroom. There's a link in the upper right-hand side of the main screen (it's there among the other BC, and BC-related links on the main screen)

So - no assurances everyone will be there, but if you intend to visit, try and visit between 9pm and midnight, EST.


Seeya! LittleKatie will be bringing vitual donuts.

To see Bobbie's blogposts, click this link: 
To see Bobbie's stories in BCTS, click this link: 
To see Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click this link:
To see Bobbie's old Working Girl Blogs, click this link: 


could not resist, so tired, willpower at dangerously low levels, must sleep
ps At least I didn't say you were 20% cooler!


If you have an IRC client (e.g. mIRC, XChat), connect to and /join #mainroom.

As the domain indicates, it's hosted on one of Bob's servers, so it may temporarily go offline in about three weeks' time when the Great Server Rescue occurs.


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