Well, let me get the obvious out of the way first. Our vacation plans kind of fell through. It's a combination of things, but I had a minor medical emergency, and am on extremely powerful antibiotics right now. :-)
But some incredible, incredible good has come out of it. Like the title says, Hell's officially frozen over. I had a talk with my mother about my gender status.
I don't want to say she 'understands' per se because, honestly, this is a LOT for anyone to take in even if it's been leading up to this point for years. But she understands the negative effect that suppressing it has had on my health all these years.
In essence, we had a really long talk on the way home from Ft. Smith this afternoon. We talked about trying to finally get my life back on track (We have contacts to help me get into college - and I really mean it this time!), but that led us into discussing how I'll never really feel comfortable in this town. I finally told her that, frankly, I'm afraid of what people would think if I transitioned living here, or if I came back post-transition, that sort of thing.
At the time I didn't use those exact words, but I made it clear what I really meant. We talked for awhile more about religious implications (without arguing :-)), and I have been able to make her understand that being TG doesn't have anything to do with sexual orientation, or that we're some kind of sexual deviants. I explained that the vast majority of us, save for the fringe extreme cases, just want to be left alone to lead our lives in peace.
Of course, this also meant admitting in a way that I'm lesbian because I had to explain that I'm not attracted to men at all, and that there are certain women who, while attracted to other women, see past the physical to what lies beneath.
We also talked about my health and how it's been declining for years due to stress. She does understand that the stress of keeping this to myself has had really nasty effects on my health and physical well-being. I think seeing my blood pressure so high (160 over 90 when I went to the doctor with this infection I'm being treated for) hit it all home for both of us.
I finally got her to tell me what I suspected for a long time, as well, about why she blames herself for my being TG. She wanted a daughter, as did pretty much every member of my family. I have dozens of male cousins - too many to count. I can count on one hand the number of female cousins born in the last two generations.
I told her though, about the "sissy experiment" where they tried to use negative reinforcement to basically 'beat the sissy out of him'.
I wish I had thought about the left-handed analogy earlier. She's gone right now, giving my Dad a lift because his truck's broken down, but being left-handed myself, I had to suffer through more than one teacher trying to force me to write with my right hand, and she had to actively fight to get them to let me use my left hand, so I think that will help a lot.
I don't know if showing her "Shoes" will help or not, but I've thought about that as well.
For now, we're letting things sit while we focus on what I can change - i.e. getting back into college, personal independence. Ideally I'd like to move to Little Rock because there's a therapist there that I trust, and there's also the University of Arkansas Little Rock for finishing my associate's degree, and going into a Bachelor's. I'm thinking of double-majoring in Business and whatever degree program I need to take to become a therapist. :-) But we're taking it one step at a time.
I finally got through to her. I didn't think this day would ever come. There's still a lot we need to talk about. I need to show her how deeply this runs, but she's beginning to understand at least a little.
She said that this all started, my depression and my beginning to drift, to shut people out, around my seventh grade year or so. Basically, when I hit puberty, things changed. My senior year I snapped out of it for awhile because I had friends I could turn to, who saw me for me, but also because I had begun to accept myself as female-minded. It didn't last (because I got into an abusive relationship for over a year, and just kind of lost my self-confidence after that), but I'm getting to a point now where I'm ready to let go and get on with my life.
I'm not ready to show her Becoming Robin or Boys Don't Cry just yet, but for once, it doesn't feel like I have to choose between finding myself and losing my family, or losing myself to keep my family.
PS: Apologies to Zoulless! I wasn't paying attention when I posted, and clicked your name by mistake. I've fixed it now :-D
You are over the scary part. I wish you luck.
Thanks for your stories too :)
One step at a time may well be the best way forward and BRAVO!
I hope you and Mom can work it out.
You write well and I suspect you are as sweet as your characters.
Best of luck and get well soon.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
One small step
One small step out of what will become you past, one huge leap for Zoe. This is exciting!
"when I hit puberty, things changed."
Oh, yeah. That was when I discovered that boys were actually different to girls, and that I was the wrong sort. Cue seven years of confusion and guilt while everybody around me refused to tell me a damn thing. It was only when I left school that I managed to find out the truth.
Press on with your plan, if you can. It's really surprising how realigning yourself can lower your stress levels.
I'll never forget...
I'll never forget the day I realized I wasn't attracted to the super-cute blonde in my music class because I wanted to go out with her, but because I loved the heels she wore with her outfit for school picture day and wished I could look that good.
I spent the next two years vainly trying to suppress that realization. Eventually I succeeded, much to the psychological and emotional damage that followed for the next ten or so years :-)
'course the irony is that I had forgotten that until very recently. I've had a lot of repressed memories surface lately.
Um, Zoe.....
Do you have the phone number and address of that super-cute blonde and does she like middle-aged guys?
-- snicker --
If you can apply the same skill and imaginaton you have shown in your stories to your real life you will suceed.
John in bloody hot Wauwatosa -- it was 82F and humid as a orchid house before six am today. It got a lot warmer. At least our peppers and tomatoes in the garden will like this.
John in Wauwatosa
I'm glad to hear you're okay
I'm glad to hear you're okay after your minor(!!) medical emergency and hope the antibiotics do their stuff. Secondly, I'll be crossing my fingers that everything works out for you with your family. They might be small steps to start with but if they are heading in the right direction they are important steps. :-)
"Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Thank you Zoe,
'this has been a big step for you and I hope it works out.You have given us such joy,
now you should have some yourself.I hope that the antibiotics do their job and that
you can also do something about that BP.May God love and protect you.
Hell Froze Over :-)
I am gad that you two got to talk.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Yup. That's a big one, the people who are supposed to support you but often don't.
I'm just really glad that everything finally worked out and that you got too have your cake and eat it also.
Much Love,
Something for your Mom
Hi Zoe
Congratulations. Go you :)
I'm not sure if your Mom is anything at all like my Mom, but when I first came out to my Mom she had all sorts of weird ideas about what transsexualism was about, probably mostly from Jerry Springer etc I think. Anyway, at the time I didn't have any way to point her to people who seemed, well, normal-ish. So while she said she understood, she didn't really.
Someone sent me this link to the New Republic today, and I really like it.
All these people seem to be doing good things with their lives, they all seem happy and well-adjusted, but there's a good spectrum of gender represented as well - not a "one-size-fits-all" model in which everyone just wants surgery now and happy homemaking thereafter.
I wish I had been able to show it to my Mom. I like it.
Hope your health is on the mend.
not as think as i smart i am
congrats hon.
The health argument is my big tool when dealing with my brother and sister-in-law. I'm glad you've made some progress with her.
I'm glad hun
I'm glad things are working out Zoe. Maybe in a few short months MAYBE you can show her your two stories. I know that a lot of people read them & like them, but me mysself I LOVE THEM!
Maybe things will change hun I hope so I have a second Cousian who is a retired uriolgest in Little Rock he is in to vets BIGTIME he even belongs to a corvet club there lol but enough about me hun this is about you.
I hope you can finish your AA but in a iniversity setting you don't obtain an AA you have to go in to the Bachlor's program first & take your Acoiats level classes first. Now the theripst thing lots & lots of phichlogy, math (Up to College algebra at least maybe even Calculis IDK) & probly A&P (Anatomy & Phiiology) Chemistry, GEN BIO (General Biology, but as you said one step at a time hun.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart
So When is there going to be a new chapter of Robin? And Do you need any helpful suggestions to help you out if you are stuck?