Saying hello

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Konichiwa. Friends here in America likes to call me Moe. Watashi wa anata ni aete ureshidesu.

My house mate had informed me that I am called a "lurker". I have been visiting your site from time to time for more than two months, so I therefore decided to post something so I wouldn't be anymore. She had made up a signature file for me, and I am testing it out now.

So while she's still in bed, I am using her computer now and saying Hi to everyone.

I apologize for my English, but I am trying to be better.

Domo arigatogozaimashta.



Youkoso! ようこそ Glad to meet you. Hope to hear more from you.

Douitashimashite! どう致しまして


Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.


Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.

My thanks for the welcome

Good morning, Ms Janet.

Watashi wa anata ni watashi no kansha o ataeru. ;)

I think it is impolite to talk in a way not understandable by others. I just could not resist. :)) My apologies. So I will try and write in English when I post from now on, even though it is not best.



Don't worry about it!

We're a friendly bunch around here (or else...just ask Erin!) and your posting seems to be easy to understand. Please, feel welcome here. We don't bite! Well, not hard, anyway...


We don't bite

Some don't, but I'm partial to sinking my teeth in... especially if it pleases.

Hope you enjoy your times here; as Wren said, they're a friendly bunch. I am grateful for the way they took me in and even said nice things about my stories.

Welcome to the fold.

I don't just look it, I'm totally into drawing a little blood when the moon is full...

Nice to put a face to a name....

Andrea Lena's picture to speak. Why, I feel I know you already. Welcome!

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

And I You

Thank you for your welcome, Aunt Andrea.


Saying hello

Welcome to the Family, and I like your pic. Very cute.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine