Not entirely sure what that means other than thirty thousand fingers hit the button on the end of my postings. Okay, so that's just a week's postings from me - I'm only joking, Erin, it's actually two weeks :)
Anyway, I presume one or two have enjoyed my contributions and said so: for which many thanks. Thanks also to Erin and her team for their continued indulgence of my verbal diarrhoea. Sometimes it is hard to give up and hour or two every night to post my ramblings and I do like to write other suff as well.
What's on the schedule - I suppose I'll keep Bike going for a bit (which should please both its readers) and I also want to do some more of my Gaby story and Snafu. It's mainly the time factor, remember I work full time and have two cats and several bicycles who like to spend time with me.
Love to all,
Angharad, Bonzi & Izzy.
Dem kudes, dem kudes
The rest of us have a long way to go, then. But don't reduce your output to give us a chance....
' you have deserved everyone of them with the joy you have given us.
All I can say is...
...that you must be doing something right (write).
And I for one, am grateful that you do what you do around here.
Positively Stunning
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
I see I have 30,000 of them there kudos
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
List of what's to come
I vote for more GABY !!!!
But what ever your Muse has you write is fine with us (Your loyal Readers).
Sharrup an' keep writin'! You do it so well.
I'm still lovin' it!
Only jokin' well no, not like that, like that, oh you know what I mean.
Growing old disgracefully.
Oh my goodness! 30,000 kudos!
Oh my goodness! 30,000 kudos! Where do you keep 'em?
In a scrapbook?
In a bin?
Can they be recycled? Reused? Re-purposed?
Can you make cat food out of them? Bonzi, Izzy, get to work on that one.
Thanks so much for your occasional little scribblings, Angharad. I love them all!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
New Gabysode Started
it'll take me a couple of weeks to do I expect, but we're working towards the climax and the denouement, which I suspect are only about three more chapters away.