Ths film is on BBC iplayer at the moment for those who can access it and those who like body swap stories - about a boy and a girl who hate each others guts but end up in each other's bodies.
It's American but Sharon Osbourne has a part in it!
I quite enjoyed that one. Like a lot of us, I have a habit of looking for anything sort of related to my life. It could have been better, but it could also have been a hell of a lot worse, and those films usually are.
It figures!
I tried to access it and got a "Not available in your area." thingie. GRRRRRRRRRRRR> I HATE it when that happens!
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
found it on youtube but
two of the nine parts are blocked by Starz... part 4 and part 6.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
If you Netflix, its currently available via Instant Watch until June 1st :)
I thought it was banal and facile but then I don't like cop outs like body morphing/swapping/ transference stuff - too much for me to swallow.
O yeah?
And of course a story about a beautiful, transgendered, cycling, biologist who marries an extremely rich aristocratic banker and adopts uncountable children, several of whom are also transgendered, to say nothing about mysterious blue light cures, is a perfectly believable and swallowable scenario, isn't it? :) (just kidding, Ang, you know I love Bike).
On the topic itself I saw the film on iPlayer some time ago (this is a reapeat, I think) and, though I quite enjoyed it, I thought it was less than stupendous. Could have been a lot worse though, which, for this type of film, is saying a lot.
My usual kick, as I think is obvious. Of course it was facile, and predictable, but the main thing was that both remained true to their gender. None of this "I have the bits so I must turn gay"
Which, of course, it would be.