Well it seems the gremlins have been in here somewhere and my original release was badly corrupted.
Hopefully its fixed now
i suggest if you have issues with copyright that you don't use kindles and other ebooks - download the standard pdf file instead.
for those of you who were sharp out of the traps last night - well i can only apologise, send me your email address in pm and i will get you a clean copy of the file sent out asap
I believe that you (that is,
I believe that you (that is, "you", as the publisher) can update a kindle publication and have it delivered automatically to those who have already purchased the existing version as well as to new purchasers. I don't have details. You'll have to check the online info or email Amazon.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
only the ebook version was available
Standard pdf was not even on offer when we were linked to it.
Believe me the standard pdf would have been my first choice given the trouble I had.
Well found it
However Maddy only gave us the links to the ebook and the paper version but I did not see the link for the plain pdf version.
part 2
well i've finished reading part 2. when will Gaby realize who Kate's boyfriend is? can't wait for more.
the blue page is not easy to read. its better when you make it bigger. hope you can fix that, really enjoyed the story though. thanks