I was over at Baen Books WebScription Ebooks site, they sell and give away ebooks there, yes some are free. I was looking through their "Young Adult" section to see if there was anything interesting for free, and I noticed a book titled f2m: The Boy Within. My first thought was, what an odd coincidence, my second thought was this is in the Young Adult section. Out of curiosity I clicked on the link. http://www.webscription.net/p-1375-f2m-the-boy-within.aspx and a free sample http://www.webscription.net/chapters/9781876462901/978187646....
Has anyone read this book?
I have
It seems to be aimed at a YA (Young Adult) audience and the "mechanics" if you will of transitioning - less of the "why". Generally an OK read. I would have preferred him to tell more of the story demonstrating how tough it is being in the wrong body especially as a teen. But the co-author is going through an f2m transition himself and I expect his experience has colored his tale.