"Time" interview with Chaz Bono

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Via Twitter, I came across an interview in "Time" with Chaz Bono, the F2M son of Sonny and Cher.

It's fairly brief, so if you're interested, take a peek over there.


thanks for the link.. I got

KristineRead's picture

thanks for the link..

I got annoyed at alot of the comments so I posted a response.



Okay -- I got obsessive..

KristineRead's picture

Okay -- I got obsessive.. Now I've replied to any number of stupid comments over there.

lol --- Hope someone appreciates what I had to say.


Becoming Chaz

There was an interesting article in Sunday's NY Times, Style section that was almost as much about the author, Cintra Wilson, confronting "a whole swag-bag full of transphobias that I didn’t know I’d had" as it was about Chaz and the film.
I found it a pretty straight-forward, honest presentation of the film and Wilson's trying to understand the "why" of transitioning. Although I found myself becoming annoyed with her as the article went on I think she did the concept justice - showing some of the (and her) misconceptions out there and then why they are just that. Ultimately, I wondered, if this self-proclaimed liberal who has several TG friends has such a hard time getting it, how do we make the general public understand? It will be interesting to see what the reaction to the film is after it's airing on the Oprah channel Tuesday.