my name change became legal, finally, yesterday. Instead of celebration, what I feel is somewhat empty. My family really could care less about this, and most of my friends are gone... either moved far away, or passed away. Frankly, I've never felt quite so alone as I do right now.
So I'm now, officially, legally, Catherine Linda Michel. Hooray for me.... I guess.
it can be a lonely road for some of us. However, don't sit about feeling self pity - do something - anything.
Oh congrats about the name change, another step on the ladder.
As usual, I agree with Angharad.
The name is a wonderful step. Now go and find something that makes you happy.
Remember your friends and family as fondly as you can, and go out and find yourself
a little patch of sunshine. Find a place that has really good coffee and those
things, you now the ones, with the cinnamon and sugar inside. And when you are
feeling a little more like yourself, that can be a great time to plan the best way
to make yourself happy tomorrow.
Congratulations Cathy. you earned this.
you are not alone, hon
you've got us, hon. Hugs
I'm very happy for you!! I care!!
Go celebrate!! Go celebrate!!
They have some really nice non-alcoholic bubbly in case you don't do the other stuff.
and a cupcake works real well too!!
Congratulations! Be happy! We all love you!
re Celebrate
A chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting would do fine!
I know how you feel
When I went to court to have my name changed, I sat there alone, waiting for my turn, wishing I had someone next to me to share the moment with.
But we both have this community to rally for us, no? :)
Hugs and congratulations,