The last episode of book one of my story Simon(e) has been published. I see from the comments that many of you are keen to see the story continued.
When I started posting the story I had hoped to have the second book ready to start immediately. However it is taking longer than expected and I haven't finished writing it yet. I am about three quarters of the way through my planned content. As I don't always write in a linear fashion, often reordering events or slipping in extra content earlier in the story to foreshadow later events, I won't be publishing until the story is complete. This could take several weeks to sort out.
I originally split the story into two books due to a case of writers block, starting to post what I had while I though up exactly how I wanted the story to go forward. In order to clear my mind I started on a second story and I have been switching between the two over the past few weeks.
This second story 'Secret Garden', inspired by the classic children's story of the same name by Frances Hodgson Burnett, is now complete. I will start posting this next week so that you will have something of mine to read while you wait for me to finish book 2 of Simon(e).
As my cliffhanger hasn't left you dangling as high as I expected, I'm including the following random snippets from book 2 to tease and add to the suspense. Note that these are unedited and are subject to change:
As we are about to cycle up from the main road and into the farmyard, I notice a strange car parked outside the house. Not knowing who might be calling, I swiftly do a one-eighty and head back towards the road. I head for the bunker to change from girl to boy mode.
My mother and Wendy are sat in the kitchen drinking tea when I enter. I see a smile on my mother’s face when she sees how I’m dressed. “Mrs Monroe from Social Services is here, and she already knows about your change of gender from speaking with the school.”
“I told you he wouldn’t recognise you,” Josh states laughing.
“Okay, you win the bet, I guess I better pay you the kiss I owe you,” I say before pulling him into my embrace. Josh doesn’t flinch; instead, he responds and draws us into a passionate lip lock. It is several minutes before we pull apart. We would have gone on longer, but Bob was politely coughing.
Three dirt bikes surround us, jumping over the sand dunes and landing behind our buggy. The helmets they are wearing are not covering their faces and I recognise Bart, Steve, and David chasing us. All three of them are holding swords in their hands.
“Yes. I’m out of the closet and not going back in. While I like boys, I like girls just as much if not better. I’m at least bisexual if not fairing more towards lesbian. I’m not writing this morning off as some attention-seeking prank,” she replies.
“May I suggest if you are going to have a confrontation you do it here on neutral ground with backup? I made the mistake of confronting my parents alone and it didn’t go well.” I declare.
I join my father in rounding up the sheep. He makes me take control and then proceeds to laugh his head off as I fail to drive the sheep in the right direction. I look at him crossly as he leans on a fence.
“I have just figured out why you are no good at this,” he says, still chuckling, “It’s a well known fact women make lousy drivers.”
“I think it’s time that the terrible trio have a crash course in diversity,” I state. I give an evil sounding laugh before adding, “I have a cunning plan.”
“As cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?” my father asks.
I’m not sure which of them can scream the loudest, but they all seem to object to the cold water. I make sure that they are thoroughly wet, rinsing off the worst of the mud, before turning off the hose. Seeing the nasty look in their eyes, I decide to make a hasty retreat back indoors only to find the door is locked. It would appear my mother has double-crossed me.
The girls soon have their revenge as I’m hit with icy cold water from the hosepipe. I put my arms up to shield myself, but I’m soon as drenched as the rest of them. I also give them a run for their money in the screaming department. I certainly don’t sound masculine while being drenched.
“Welcome to the club,” my father dryly states. “At least you only have one gay child; I have to put up with two. I’m surprised Simon wasn’t snogging his boyfriend as well.”
“Nah, I was busy giving him a blow job behind the bike sheds,” I reply with a deadpan delivery.
My mother almost spray’s her tea across the room, and my father has to pat her on the back as she coughs violently.
Thanks for the Future Snippets
I'm certainly looking forward to book 2. Hope you can get it done sooner than later.
Not Dead
The snippets show
a) Jasmine/Simon/Simone is not dead
b) No serious injuries
c) Still at home
d) New adventures
looking forward to it.
great job on book one, some stuff really kept me guessing.
“As cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?â€
So cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel.
You wouldn't know a cunning plan if it fell out of the sky and danced on your table wearing a pink tutu, all the while shouting, "HELLO, Baldrick! I'm a cunning plan!"
Simon(e) Book 2 and a new story to be posted soon.
Waiting for more.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine