We were visiting friends last week, and were having an Easter feast outdoors in the mild weather. I happened to be with several of the wives, including my own, and we were discussing movies, past oscar winners and others. Several nice movies were mentioned, and Notting Hill came up. We mentioned The King's Speech, and I mentioned that I like Colin Firth in Love Actually.. One of the ladies said, "You keep mentioning chic flicks. You're a girl inside, aren't you?" I said I guess so, and my wife said yes, while nodding in agreement. I wasn't going to deny it, and really felt quite comfortable about it.
Wow, thats a nice feeling
Wow, thats a nice feeling when it is comfortable with others too. You are very fortunate but I also suspect it may be part of how you put it across that sets others at ease.
We tend not to realize how much we actually give away
When I came out to some close friends (quite a while ago), I was surprised by the response. One friend (female) said, 'Well, that explains a lot.'
It turns out that I was sending out female vibes for, like, forever.
So, don't be surprised if your closest friends are not surprised.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Truly sees
Most people don't actually look. They see the surface appearance and that's good enough for them. However, anyone who really looks usually sees the truth. I've found little kids and pets tend to be perceptive. I can't tell the number of kids that've crawled into my lap to the amazement of their parents. Let them get a bit older and then they're confused because they see one thing, but sense another.
The truth is no matter how good we think we are at hiding, no matter the sometimes disgusting behavior we adopt to hide the truth, anyone who really bothers to look can see right though us.
Yes, that is scary, but that's why I decided to handle it much in the same of Portia, with aplomb and dignity.
Like the song says, "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself."
PS: John get your mind out of the gutter. Here is a bar of soap, go!