As a counterpoint to the discussion over T* related labels, I thought it might be interesting to have a more light-hearted discussion of the various other labels we may apply to ourselves (i.e. not related to gender, sexuality or political affiliation) to describe certain aspects of who we are and what we do.
For example, as I'm more knowledgeable than average about computers, and actively enjoy using them, I consider myself a "Geek" (although according to some definitions, I'm actually closer to "Nerd").
Many here may apply the labels "Writer" or "Storyteller" to themselves in the context of hobbies / interests, as opposed to careers (I don't think we've got many [if any] professional writers among ourselves!), and we've definitely got a few bloggers (although I'm not aware of anyone here brave enough to vlog [video blog])
We've probably got a few linguists on board, the occasional musician or two (again, hobbies rather than professions! I'm reasonably proficient at piano/keyboard, but don't ask me to sing in tune a capella!), a few lyricists (or, if you prefer, filk writers / filkers) and probably oodles of other hobbies / interests (e.g. I enjoy muckin' about in the garden... until I inadvertently step on a pyracantha spine that decides to penetrate my shoe and foot, or discover a nettle or bramble... the hard way! [I guess that's what gardening gloves were invented for...])
I'm a cycling
storyteller, or should that be storytelling cyclist with interests in natural history, ancient history, what makes people tick (psychology) with two cats (& 9 bikes - the bikes don't eat anything! & c 4000 books). I'm a Celtic hybrid a half Scots Welshwoman with a touch of English thrown in for luck. I'm also interested in human spirituality but haven't found God yet - don't think I'm likely to.
I'd have to go with the
I'd have to go with the labels:
1. 'Nerd girl' with my love of comic books, movies, rpg's, video games, tv and my at times annoying social awkwardness.
2. 'Dreamer' in the sense that I'm a bit of an idealist and deeply, deeply unpractical about every day things.
3. 'Author' is a label I aspire to through my scribblings here on BC.
I might be tempted to add 'hypocrite' to the list because I often say that 'you label jars, not people' when I want to avoid being pidgeon holed. *blush* ;-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Let's see...
Bipolar optimist/pessimist depending on my mood :-P
I am a hopeless romantic of the worst caliber. I never believed in love at first sight until recently though, but I won't get into that.
I'm an artist, something of a poor man's Renaissance Girl in that I write, I play music, and I love photography, so that's three labels right there - Musician, Author, Photographer (or Photojournalist if you prefer)
I've also had the label "Anglophile" tossed around in regards to my love of UK culture, but truthfully human culture as a whole fascinates me - I have a dozen or so Indian Princess paintings and a dreamcatcher hanging by my computer as I type this :-)
You forgot one
You forgot one label...'Queen of Sweetness'. ;-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
*giggle* How could I forget?
*giggle* How could I forget? ;-)
I'm a groovy hippie, baby!
~Peace, Moonmaid
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Are you sure?
You may just be a fan of Batman from the 1960's :)
Vi prego di scusarmi?
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
After rushing over to Google Translate (you do like having the occasional fun in Italian [grin]), I'd say we've probably got several "commento prostituta" here, and I'm probably not the only obsessive compulsive reader (currently I read almost everything produced by about a dozen authors, plus all the canon Retcons, plus most of The Center tales, plus almost anything else that looks interesting between reading the above). And obviously when you read a lot, you tend to comment a fair amount as well...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Top Secret Cartoonist
That's my favorite label. During my misspent twenties, working as a spy, I drew a cartoon strip in the pages of the document log. No one knew who the artist was, I signed it "Humphrey McBean" and I took great joy in stamping each page with a big, governmental, TOP SECRET. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm actually labelled "Maguiva".
Yup, it seems to stick to me like white on rice, though now days I try much harder to conceal the fact that I know anything at all about fixin flats, changin oil, or doin lectrical works. :)
Probably "Gamer" would be my best fit
Since I'm kinda obsessed with them, especially of the video game variety.
Melanie E.
Over the years, many labels have been applied to me... With varying degrees of accuracy. LOL
I've been called a geek and a nerd at times... Back in Junior High - two other girls & I were in all the same classes, and were called the "brain trust" by the other kids, and we were told to stop talking so much by the teachers.
In high school, I was called a swimmer. I was a Scout (Even managed to make Eagle, though at the time, I didn't realize how bigoted the organization was.) I wanted to be an astronaut (& studied Astrophysics in Uni)...
More recently, I was called "Evil Editor" by some friends in the Deryni "Fan Fic" world...
I had a boss, that used to put his arm on my shoulder - and introduce me to new employees as "This guy is crazy." (I have it on good authority that I am NOT crazy... Not sure if that's a good thing or not.)
I've been called a gamer (both for RPG and board based games).
I've been called a "determined reader" (I read, by flashlight, while walking the dog at night... Among other antics.)
I was called MacGyver (after the TV show character) for almost always being able to find a "work around" for the strangest problems.
Most recently, I've been trying to be a writing hack and hope, some day, to graduate to something closer to author...)
I am a professional musician (If you get paid to play, you're a pro, right? But, do you consider the Bagpipes an instrument, and what it plays music?) I do get paid to write, but only technical design specifications, proposals and the like.
Most important, in many ways, I call myself a parent (my daughters call me a mommy) and a spouse (we celebrate 30 years in two weeks).
So, yes, there are many labels that can and have been applied to me.
Of course they're a musical instrument and play music - and not just "Scotland the Brave" and "Amazing Grace"! :)
Do a YouTube search and you can find all manner of Scottish jigs plus the Star Wars theme, Top Gun theme, Imperial March, We Will Rock You, Yellow Submarine, the Tetris theme, the Super Mario theme and more besides...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
There are many kinds....
I'd previously been aware of the Great Highland and Uilleann pipes, discovered another set via a thread comment about female pipers a few months ago, and a quick visit to Wiki reveals oodles of different types!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Writer/Movie Nut
I've been writing for a very long time so I like yo use that as my label whenever anyone asks me what I's better than saying I'm unemployed. I do a fair share of reading or I did before most of the popular stuff became hard to read---I'm educated in literary criticism so its extremely hard to read something and not tear it apart when I do so.
I also like to consider myself a movie buff. I have an extensive knowledge of movies...I'm not sure where it comes from but there's very few actors that appear that I don't know and when a movie comes on TV I can instantly tell someone what it is...just by looking at a few seconds of it.
I dabble in drawing too but I haven't done that in ages...unless the occasional doodle counts.
So that's me in a nut shell :)
My turn! My turn!
An ugly, overweight tart....oops, that was my last job application. No surprises: a cycling musical linguist, much as Ang in many ways, just without the cats. A passionate birdwatcher (not a twitcher) and general naturalist, and a climber and all-round soppy romantic. My cycling tends to be of the extremely long-distance touring sort.
Did I mention music? Or language? Or cycling?
Oh. Seems I did.
And Welsh....
A number of years ago, I gave a lay sermon at our church on the difficulty of applying the truth in packaging concept to people. It apparently was well received, because I received a number of favorable comments afterward. The thrust of the message was that applying a label to a person was that you would tend to oversimplify and do too much stereotyping. I believe that idea still holds today.
I tell people that I'm just a story teller. Back when I would have been the person at the campfire who entertained everyone until it was time to go to bed.
I'm also an iconoclast.
I love taking accepted ideas, turning then upside down, shaking them and watching what falls out of their pockets.
Shit disturber has been used to describe me at times, too.
Private, snarky, caring.
Camp fire story teller
That would be as opposed to the person who entertained everyone after they've gone to bed...
12-Speed Program
Hello, My name is Michelle, and I own too many bikes...
And I cut. Well, really, my bikes cut me... but I can't blame them! They know not what they doeth.. and chain-rings have sharp tooeth(s)!
Oh, and I'm trans. Sexual. Gender-ed. Whatever. Ient. I think that's where the bike addiction comes from. I painted my first grown-up bike (a 9-speed) pink when I was 13. I blame one for the other. Or the other way around, maybe.
I have Italian shoes. Too many pairs, I know... and some even have heels! Most have cleats, though...
And shiny Italian jewelry! (Mostly Campagnolo, but a few bits of lesser, costume hardware... Ofmega, Ambrosio... some gold stuff...)
And celeste... I'm addicted to celeste green. Tight, sexy tops... lycra... bikes...
I'm ashamed. Mostly for the heels with cleats. Those were a dumb, impulsive purchase...
Thanks for listening.
You are a Bianchi lover and I claim my five pounds
"Lover" is such a... suggestive term
Yes, I fantasize about going to bed with one of my beauties...
Yes, my friends know to send me invitations "with friend..."
And, yes, I have an ungodly number of celeste-colored garments... (no lingerie, though! That would be wrong!)
And also ~ sigh ~ yes, I have a whole, expensive racing bike that's way past drinking age that's never really been ridden, just to gaze at the un-scratched, glittering, Bianchi-crafted, Campy and Columbus mechanical perfection.
But I'm proud of my little peccadillo.
(That's an Italian word, btw ;-)
Yes, Proud!
How come I owe you five pounds?
Five pounds of what?
The standard British claim, of course, five pounds of beer vouchers.
Beer vouchers?
There's special money for beer in Britain?
In Italy, you just pay with regular money. In Canada, we just have to prove citizenship and the beer's free....
By the way, does anyone have a set of Campy Victory shift levers laying around? I'll send you a fake Canadian birth certificate worth a two-four of Moosehead in any Timmy's.
Wierd mix.
A sort of cycling, writing, crazy ex mariner who loves clubbing and meeting other's who are similar to me.
Not mentioning anything about the T thing cos I jus' dunno where I am. All I know is I'm definitly sort of Tee.
I suppose when the cycling ends as it will have to with age, and the mariner thing is all but over already. Then the writing will end as some sort of dementia or stroke overtakes me so all I'll have left will be the crazy tee thing. Lastly the Tee thing will end as I'm no longer able to satisfy myself and do my own thing. All that will be left is crazy. Well I've always been a bit crazy (Well a lot crazy.) So I'll go to the flames remembered by some as a crazy bastard. That'll be after I've put a poly bag over my head and ducked out.
Nothin' else really.
Growing old disgracefully.