Once upon a time, I expected most of my stuff to receive double figures in comments and vie with the best in the then voting system. Things have changed and sometimes I only get a handful, although my core readership remains about the same so I still enjoy entertaining them with my scribbles.
So it was with unbridled delight that I discovered some comments on past episodes of Bike and two on one of my poems. I have eight pages of approx two hundred stories/episodes so it takes a few minutes to go through them and check for comments, which I try to do at least once a week. However, I only reply or pm when I feel it necessary not through laziness, but I don't usually use comments as repartee.
Having said that, thanks to all who have commented recently to my little efforts, I do read them all and usually enjoy them. Once again thanks and to a couple of individuals, diolch yn fawr.
PS Some of my poems/doggerel have been posted under my blogs - for those with a strong sense of humour only.

Although I comment
Although I comment infrequently, I am part of your "core readership" that very much enjoys your little "scribbles".
Keep up the wonderful work and thank your little feline collaborators for their contributions.
Many Kudos,
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Exactly the same here
What Kris said.
Humor is important in life.
One bit that recently brought my entire family to their knees in laughter happened to be as follows:.
A friend happened to notice that Duty (what one owes to one's country) and Dooty (apparently what ones does in the loo) sound pretty darned close to the same... He thought about "Pirates of Penzance" and, noted that the show takes on a whole new meaning if one replaces every occurrence of Duty with Dooty.
Then, last night, I was out walking the dog, hoping he'd get his business done - so we could get in out of the rain... Then, I happened to recall that Daniel Radcliffe (AKA Harry Potter) is currently staring in "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" on Broadway... And, realized that changing the meaning of Business from the daily grind - to what the dog needed to do - leads to a different subtitle "How to remain 'Regular' easily."
The last is what caused several of us to lose it. I'm sure it loses a LOT in retelling.
But to your writing. I continue to enjoy most of the stuff you write (and share - I don't know if I enjoy the stuff you decide to NOT share). Thanks. As I've said before, Yes - you deserve comments, but I got to the point I felt it better to comment less often - but hopefully have something useful to say on the episodes that hit me more. (If you or your writing partner, Bonzi, need more frequent comments, I'm sure I can come up with something truly inane and boooring for you. Not to say most of my stuff may not already fit those two critera...)
Your Stories
I do read your stories and enjoy them. I do find them thoughtful, insightful and delightful. I used to worry about how little comments I get, but I see that a few people are still reading my stories and that makes me feel great, that I am providing them some enjoyment.