Pleasant discoveries

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Once upon a time, I expected most of my stuff to receive double figures in comments and vie with the best in the then voting system. Things have changed and sometimes I only get a handful, although my core readership remains about the same so I still enjoy entertaining them with my scribbles.

So it was with unbridled delight that I discovered some comments on past episodes of Bike and two on one of my poems. I have eight pages of approx two hundred stories/episodes so it takes a few minutes to go through them and check for comments, which I try to do at least once a week. However, I only reply or pm when I feel it necessary not through laziness, but I don't usually use comments as repartee.

Having said that, thanks to all who have commented recently to my little efforts, I do read them all and usually enjoy them. Once again thanks and to a couple of individuals, diolch yn fawr.


PS Some of my poems/doggerel have been posted under my blogs - for those with a strong sense of humour only.


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