Yeah, okay it's from the Mail again, there was one from CBS but it didn't have piccies.
Anyway, some brave souls in Alaska do an annual walk in women's shoes to highlight sexual assaults on women. I should say, they're all men and they walk a mile.
Good on yer, boys, hope the blisters soon heal.
The power of Google revealed
The power of Google revealed that there is a whole organization at work here:
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
my question is
how is it that all these guys just happened to be able to find heels that fit?
heel's that fit
finding heel's that fit isnt totaly hard usealy about 1.5 - 2 sizes above a male size if shopping in stroe is hard as dont always carry the larger uncommon sizes but onlie is harder due to styles and manufactures and dont get to try em on unlike stores for fit
Walking a mile in her shoes
There is a Native American proverb about walking a mile in another's moccasins to learn about them.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Walk a mile in the shoes of another
before you judge them.
Just a mile. That's bugger all. If the heels are comfortable a mile is nothing!
One of these days these shoes are gonna' walk right over you!
Growing old disgracefully.