AND to all the authors of ALL the stories in general:
In lieu of separate comments, I have chosen this means to compliment every one of you for your inventiveness and skills. I've been a comic book fan since my very early years, particularly the Marvel brand, but I did dabble in the DC comics, so I am familiar with most of the DC superheroes and superheroines.
I've found only one or two of the stories in this universe that I couldn't like, but the GREAT majority of what i've read, and I have read them all, have been fascinating, reasonably close to the original origins of the characters, and have been great fun to read.
I know that comments seem hard to garner, sometimes, and I, like so many others, have been chary with mine. It isn't that I don't have the time to comment, but more that I have read COUNTLESS stories here, at FM, at Storysite, at Sapphire's, and many other sites, and I am somewhat commented out, save in the rare instance of a story that truly moves me in some way. I HAVE Kudoed every Ret-Con story, save the rare ones I mentioned earlier, but have commented only rarely. My apologies to any who might feel slighted by this.
When I began writing, I too hungered for comments. They were, as I and others have called them, "ego candy." As I progressed into later stories, I began to realize that, what I was writing, wasn't because I craved the comments, but because I had something in me that demanded I write, perhaps as some kind of personal therapy more than approbation from others. That I managed to garner any comments fro others at all is more a testament to my need for approval, not a desire to improve at my craft.
Anyway, thank you ALL for your hard work, your skills, your inventiveness and your willingness to share your stories with me and others. Keep up the great work, and thanks again.
Catherine Linda Michel
What she said
I'm not that good at giving comments and stuff (usally screw thel up) so I don't comment a lot.
That doesn't mean that I don't like a story, only that I can't put it into words what I like. I
gratfull that you 'persons' >fill in ID< keep writing.
And I'll try to keep on feeding the bards ;)
@Catherine hope you don't mind me saying my piece about the authors in your tread
I hope my stories
were in the "like" category. I know its "ego candy" but any praise helps me. Especially with my last Phoenix story, because I screwed up on the posting, I have felt like I have let it down.
Thanks for the pep talk!
Thanks for the pep talk! I do admit that I enjoy the comments that people leave, and I especially enjoy the constructive criticism. But, I also know what's it like to just sit down and write for the sake of writing.
I hope the start of my story is one of those that you have liked. Although, it will take a while to finish due to real life.
On the off chance
that I'm one of the authors you like...thank you! And if not, well, thank you for reading anyways! It is nice to look at your story and see a lot of kudos and comments. It feeds the ego, but it also gives one (me, at least) the inspiration to keep on going, because gosh darn it, someone out there thinks you're doing an ok job!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.