Ultimate Writer's Challenge: Cross Posting

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I wasn't going to say anything, but...

It has recently come to my attention that someone has been cross posting their entries to my Ultimate Writer's Challenge at other sites. While I wouldn't do anything to stop this (even if I could,) I would like to ask that if you're going to do this you wait at least until the challenge is over.

Part of the entire point of the challenge is to draw authors out into posting, and readers into responding. By cross-posting stories to other sites, that somewhat undermines the second goal by splitting the potential readers between sites.

The largest goal of all is for readers and writers to enjoy the stories submitted, so if you absolutely feel it necessary to post them elsewhere, then like I said I won't try to stop you or anything. Just keep in mind -- I posted it here, for this community and these people, for a reason :P

Thank you.

Melanie E.

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