Once more I have to admit defeat. There will be no story chapter posted at all this week. Remember that thing about not operating machinery? It applies to doing anything much creative and that includes downloading my brain into a website at the moment.
The cold I was given is... not so much a proper cold as something related. I think. My nose runs probably about as much as anyone's does this time of year. I get hot and cold, and sweat and not-sweat, and there's absolutely no connection between the two. I have headaches, sometimes, for no obvious reason. I can't taste anything.
The worst part, though, is the coughing. I've spent the best part of a week coughing. Day and night. I can cough in my sleep, I'm that good at it. It has made my throat super-sore and quite a few of my ribs ache where they join the sternum. Heaven only knows what I'm doing to my lungs. Sleep patterns? Don't be silly, what sleep patterns? The last few days, apart from coming here, I've mostly been lying quietly and reading (since you ask, mostly Honor Harrington as it happens).
I have written about 1,500 words of chapter 15 but I'm not impressed by the quality so I'm going to leave it completely alone till this eases up. I don't think I'll be posting next Wednesday either, as it happens, since I'll be letting the Dentist clean out my bank account before going and getting my hair tinted. So, expect Ch 15 to arrive sometime Thursday 24th March. Unless something else happens, of course.
Good to hear from another Honor Harrington fan
I have enjoyed those stories for years. Can't wait for the next installment due next year.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
A Rising Thunder
The next book in the Honor Harrington series is due out, I think, in Jan 2012. The working title is 'A Rising Thunder.' Yeah, there are a few David Weber fans out and about. :) Speaking of which Penny, is any of your most excellent story inspired by his Safe Hold books?
Safe Hold
Safe Hold is something your partner does to you, isn't it? Those warm, comfortable arms...
No, never read them, strangely. So many stories (especially on BCTS), so little time!
Very funny
I'll have you know, young whipper-snapper, in my day we used to do it uphill, both ways, in the snow! (And some of us were riding fixed as well.)
Penny :)
You have excellent taste in down time reading, Penny.
I have read every one of the stories, and recently purchased a Kindle,. One of the first things I installed on it, was all of the series, as well as several others Weber wrote, plus everything else I have online access to from Baen Books.
But it was Honor Harrington that got me started on the Honorverse, and from there, other Baen authors.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.