Earlier tonight, I posted the first part of We Can't Hide The Way We Feel. It occurs to me that some of the punch is lost if one isn't familiar with St. Trinian's. St. Trinian's is a fictional girls' school, first described in the cartoons of Ronald Searle, and later in a series of movies in the 1950s, and again in two movies in recent years. I think I assumed more people would be familiar with the recent movies than was likely. In any event, as the article I linked described, it's not exactly your typical school, and isn't really the best environment for the fragile.
The title and subtitle come from my misremembering the opening lyrics of the theme song from the recent movies, which can we seen/heard in this YouTube clip (ear-worm warning :-) ).
If I continue the story, it will be in a St. Trinian's inspired by, but not necessarily congruent with the St. Trinian's of the recent movies. Melanie's father is intending no kindness by sending her there, and hopes the experience will scare her back into being a boy. She may be more resilient than he realises, though.
St. Trinians??
If it is anything like the original "Belles of St.Trinians" she will have a ball.An absolute hoot in it's day.
Miranda,I do hope that you go on with this.
Coming from England
as i do, I am more than a little aware of Ronald Searle's St Trinians, And i would have to Agree Miranda, It would not be a place you would care to send your daughter too... Having said that the St Trinians girls could never be accused of being shy and retiring, So maybe all the best laid plans of Melanie's father will be in vain as he comes face to face with his new feisty daughter...
I do hope you carry on with this story Miranda everything is there for a really enjoyable tale .... That is ever so slight different..
Stan's comment
I took the liberty ofbeginning his education by posting a wiki link. Can I beg a big favour here? The recent films are sort of...pallid compared to the Grenfell and Sim delights. Need I say more?
I included that Wiki link in
I included that Wiki link in this note, but it's good to have it in the story page, as well, thanks. I have The Belles of St. Trinians in the front of my Netflix queue, so should see that in the next few days, so I'll have a better idea of how they compare. I'm willing to watch almost anything with Colin Firth, though, so perhaps that influenced my appreciation of the recent films.
saw one
Not that long ago, I think going by the look it was 60's vintage. A bunch of teenage lunatics in pinnies on a bus with a few hapless 'teachers' attempting to herd them. Fun in a seriously tongue in cheek way. The poms do gentle deranged comedy better than anyone I think.
St Trinians
Record player. Music. Stress-relief dance. Inspired.
Carry on, Headmistress!
Oooh cool- More neat English stuff! Have just put Belles of St. Trinan's on my delivery list, right after that Baader-Meinhoff movie. I've always loved Ronald Searle's drawings (along w/ Charles Addams, Gahan Wilson, Edwin Gorey ...... seeing a trend here?) but somehow missed this. And it sounds like a fun premise for a tg story (always wanted to do one where instead of the cheerleaders and the prom committee the highschool transgirl fell in with the stoner chicks), so I'll put your tale on my (somewhat longer) list of BCTS stories I still need to read...
~~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
He spent four years as a prisoner of the Japanese, tortured, beaten and worked as a slave, He nearly died. He drew some shocking pictures in that time. This is a link featuring one of themilder ones. It is not nice.