I have just started on a possible sequal to Princess and the Plague, which I guess is a sequal to Camp Kumoni. I have some ideas, but am not quite sure how I want to play them out. I want to get a few episodes written before I begin posting, It might be a few weeks, but wanted to let you know that I haven't given up on the story, yet.
p.s. I'm still trying to come up with a title for it too.
Dear Anistasia
How soon can I post comments? Will the debates continue? What adventures will happen? Are all the characters returning?
Go Girl. Great News.
One of my favorite stories!!!!!!!!!!
This story will embark on tough questions?
AA, I think you know what a fan of your writing I am. I especially like HAP, but also PATP. You write it and I will read it. As far as I am concerned, you do not have to address SRS unless you want to, because I do not think it brings us into a life heaven. However, real life doesn't either and I am really interested to see how you address all that.
Much peace
Iwill certainly read on
Dear Anistasia,
Pleas continue your storywriting. For so many of us there are parts of your stories that brings back memories from the past. It is for me a relief that this can happen in the stories as well as in earlier life. In some ways this will free up memories that then can be passed away.
I will certainly hang on every part and save them.
Best wishes from a snowy and icy Sweden and your
Yay! Very, very, very good news! :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Yay! ^__^
I'll look forward to it! ^__^
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
That storyline and all the stuff going on in it is one of my favorite stories. I've been wanting to see more of this moving story for some time.
Bailey Summers
omg .....
*groan* errrr, wha happened
*Wakes up* Oh Yeah!!! Great News!!
***** P&P Spoiler *********
I do understand Anistasia's concerns about her story as our heroine's life is going tooo well, which sorry to say is not a great vehicle for story telling. However, the way P&P ended I think that has ended too for her surgery. Now the struggle at this point may very well to keep all her new friends in line wrt to not outing her too much or maybe struggle with being outed - Full-stop. That would be a tall order given her previous rep and then it would be a struggle between her previous rep and her new found popularity.
But high school, is high school, and falling out of the social order is as fast as going up. It therefore makes sense that she be merely semi-outed but protected by friends and more importantly, reluctant allies as I doubt all the cheerleaders will approve. *Sigh*, I don't know, I think the story is in a difficult place, and as much as writers ( and readers, understandable for the TS among us ) want to protect their characters, if an interesting story needs to be told then a curve ball needed to be thrown and that is how P&P seem to have ended. That said, I hope the hormone thing comes out right for her as we all know, a TS has her best chance if they never go through puberty anyway to have a normal life and it would be extremely sad if she starts any change in that direction while she is off blockers. However, on the social front, it has to be fair game imho.
In any event, I cross my fingers and pray for the best and am grateful to Anistasia for doing a continuation.
That may be the best news I
That may be the best news I have had in weeks!
Can't wait to see this, and thank you, thank you, thank you!
One of my most Favorite Stories!!!!
I'm so happy that you will continue the series!
THANK YOU! Great news!
I totally LOVE that storyline! Yes! Fantastic news, I can't wait!