Referenced here. Ordinarily I avoid these things because, in the past they've all been the same awful depictions (I'm not kidding when I say one featured a TG prostitute/possible drug addict in Vegas), but this one is different.
I wouldn't be ashamed to be one of the people on this show
The way their stories are depicted is real and natural. They're real people, just like any of us, and the producers try very hard to show that we ARE normal people. What got to me the most so far was Hailey's story, the little 6 year old girl. Her dad is a Lutheran priest, and his initial reaction was the same my mom's was, only he 'got it' a lot sooner, where Mom's still kind of trying to cope with it.
I almost had a panic attack watching one of the FtM's in the barber's chair though, as I remembered how many uncomfortable trips for the close-as-possible buzzcuts I received. I had to take a deep breath and remind myself I never have to endure that again :-)
But really, if you see this in your local listings, definitely watch it. This should be required viewing for people who have questions about what we have to go through every day.
It's definitely reaffirmed my personal feelings. That scares me, but I'm coping with it.
Edit: Corrected the title. I was a bit emotional when I posted this :-)
I Thought It Was Very Good Too
It is being rebroadcast tonight at 1:00 AM EST.
It will also be shown on Sunday 2/27 at 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM EST.
There are several video segments posted on the OWN website: