Get your tissues out girls!

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This is a lovely moment, enjoy:

Hugs Sue


definite tissue alert.

Wow. just.... wow. I remember reading about that lion as a kid, but I had forgotten what had happened to him. Thanks for sharing this.

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"




laika's picture

How sweet. This story spawned a dozen hoaky movies, but is so much more powerful for being real.
I cried so hard I wrecked my face ............ Now my eyes are both on the same side
and my nose is up on my forehead someplace.
~~hugs, Picassogirl

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Lovely tale,

Angharad's picture

a bit like a beige coloured Bonzi.

It reminds of the story from biblical times of the man walking in the wilderness who saw a lion in distress and upon approaching him saw a large thorn sticking out of his foot. Realising the man would help him, the lion allowed the man to remove the thorn and his foot healed up perfectly.

A couple of years later, the man who'd become a Christian, was rounded up during one of Nero's purges and was thrown into the main amphitheatre of the notorious Colosseum. Then moments later a gate opened and in strolled a lion who casually sidled up to the man and ate him - it was a different lion.





Saw this years ago.

But it's still a fabulous tale. The BBC even made a documentary about it.

Here! Kitty, kitty, kitty!



Growing old disgracefully.



Any hint about the content of this clip? It's blocked over here.


There was a narration

A lion named Christian was a cub two men bought from someone - he looked very sad and lonely. They got permission on local church grounds to exercise him, but eventually he became too large. The only viable option was to reintroduce him to the wild - and it was successfully carried out. When the men wanted to make a visit they were told the lion became a pride leader and would not remember them.

After that there is a footage of reunion (he DID remember them :) ), some few lines of narration, and an urging to make a contact with someone you haven't for a long time. :)


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

idiot here

rebecca.a's picture


not as think as i smart i am

A heart warming outcome.

WebDeb's picture

However let us not forget the other side of the coin.

Remember Joy Adamson of whom devoted a large part of her life in the preservation of these majestic creatures only to be mauled to death by one?

"Born Free" novel ring any bells?

That said, as an animal lover I did find the clip inspirational.

Many thanks for sharing Sue.
