Homosapiens or thinking man does not exist in my opinion rather our species is more correctly identified as Homo Improvidus or thoughtless man.
How can any species be so thoughtless and careless of the feelings of their fellow beings? I for one haven't a clue.
Any ideas???
Easy to Answer, But...
Easy to answer, yet difficult for many to accept.
Strip away the veneer of civilization, human beings are animals, not much different than any other creature that populates this plant. Abraham Harold Maslow, professor of psychology at Brandeis University put it all quit nicely when he created his hierarchy of needs in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation. While his intent was to categorize physiological needs, the same methodology can be used when describing basic physical needs. How else can you justify members of the Donner Party, consisting of educated, God fearing people eating friends and, it is said, members of their own family.
In extremis people striped of all hope and artificially imposed barriers will do what domesticated cats and dogs who have been abandoned by their owner will do; they revert to their instinctive nature.
Cold and cruel? Yeah, for sure. But it is the brutal truth for anyone willing to admit the term homosapien is a name we gave ourselves, not one assigned by an unbiased judge.
I know I shouldn’t be submitting this and that I will be pummeled about the head and shoulders for having done so, but all one needs to do is switch on today’s news and see the video feeds coming in from Egypt and elsewhere in the world to know there is truth to his sad commentary on the nature of mankind.
It is only through constant and unrelenting effort on the part of each member of society to keep ourselves and our fellow human beings from reverting to our instinctive roots that allows us to live in harmony. That, and a willingness to keep those who would otherwise drag us down to an unacceptable level of existence from doing so gives us the right to lay claim to the title homosapien.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
The triumph of evil...
Yes I know - Nancy and I are playing tag again, but....
‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ (Edmund Burke - 1770 allegedly)
The only counterpoint I would offer is this. 'All living things strive, and at the heart of that striving lies hope.' (me - tonight)
Non sum qualis eram
I'll agree with Nancy. Homo
I'll agree with Nancy.
Homo Sapiens is NOT different from other species in anything but the full self awareness that we share. (and we might not be alone in that, we just don't know for sure)
Animals, in general, are selfish, self-centred, and driven by simple desires and needs. That fits humans just as well. Where we differ is that at least a reasonably large minority strive to keep those animal tendencies under control.
Unfortunately, there have always been religions that undermine those controls, as well as political regimes, and the so-called 'liberal' mindset. (The one that says that all people are inherently sweet and loveable underneath, and must be treated with dignity, respect, and no discipline)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Rachel, I don't use the scientific term. I use brother or friend as those terms fit me best.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Is an ideal, not a default state (as others have explained above). Capitalism is the most successful economic model because it's philosophy is "each person to themselves" - accrue as much wealth as possible. Unfortunately, "free market" capitalists seem to dominate the philosophies of many Western politicians - minimise regulation, let successful businesses thrive and expand, while less successful businesses either wither and die, or are taken over by more successful businesses. In the UK at least, the present lot in charge are thinking of applying this model to formerly nationalised public services, e.g. schools and hospitals.
An initial reading of the original concepts of communism sounds fairer on paper, but of course as anyone familiar with the plot of George Orwell's satire knows, when implemented it quickly degenerated into: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" and as such the current "communist" states bear little resemblance to what was originally envisaged.
Several religions have attempted to inscribe the notion of altruism among their followers, and where local religious leaders also subscribe to that belief, they can be a force for good. Unfortunately, I think many here could probably name a couple of religious leads at least that instead impose their own prejudices on their faith, and turn their local 'branch' from an inclusive organisation (everyone's welcome) to an exclusive one (anyone who doesn't believe exactly what I believe is damned to hell and must be converted from their "evil" ways to stand a chance of going up rather than down at the end)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
The default position
is we act to preserve our genes, be that ourselves, our families or larger groups. Altruism is a misconception, we act to preserve or assist those people or things we have an emotional investment in, however tenuous that is because it makes us feel better about ourselves.
It also breaks down very quickly - look at how neighbours of different ethnic groups can be friends for years and then kill each other quite brutally because some rabble rouser stirs things up. Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Cambodia show us at our best and worst, creative monsters or those prepared to risk all because of an idea in which they've invested part of themselves, such as Mr Schindler.
Humans are just another species of ape, only with bigger brains. We have little understanding of our own brains or that of any complex multicellular organism. We suggest sheep are simple, stupid animals - yet recent studies show they have complex social interactions and awareness. As far as I know they haven't yet created supernatural beings to explain how they got here, so maybe they're more advanced than we think.
Isn't that ...
... just enlightened self-interest? It would be really tragic if the naked greed that lies at the heart of ultra-capitalism is our ultimate destiny. Still, I've given up bothering - it'll be of no interest to me in 10/15 years anyway.
I must admit I always thought sheep were surprised when it got light each morning but they're not as daft as they look (well, daft as they look once fully grown - lambs are lovely). They've even learned how to negotiate the cattle grids intended to keep them on the fells and out of the towns by rolling over them and thus avoiding getting their tiny hooves trapped in the gaps. We naked apes are even cleverer - sometimes.
I beg to differ...
I only trace the lines that flow from God.--Albert Einstein
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Are we evolving or disentigrating?
I know whole groups of people who insist that we are maturing due to evolution, and will one day be much better than we are now. Almost any Sociologist or Anthropologist could likely disagree. L.Ron Hubbard, seriously or not, wrote books about how the Earth is a prison planet, and other races have dropped off their criminals here for eons. Well, one goofy idea is as good as the next, I suppose.
Humans are predators but seem to be slowly realising that there are consequences to the way we conduct ourselves. One of my roomates is reading ,"The Fingerprints of the Gods". One of the premises in the book is that there have been many past civilzations that have somehow encountered a catastrophy and drove us all back to the stone age. I am wondering if even part of that is true, when we will somehow see the cause and effect and alter our conduct?
Much peace
Not al Homos are men
"Homo sapiens" doesn't mean "man who thinks." It means "one who thinks."
Homo Sapiens
Regardless of whether you say thinking man or one who thinks you need to first find a being that actually does think before naming the species such.
Nothing in Life is Free; if the cost is not monetary it will be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Rachel Anne
Nothing in Life is Free; if the cost is not monetary it will be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Rachel Anne
Knowing, not thinking
Homo sapiens does not mean "thinking man" or "one who thinks". It means "knowing man" or "wise man".
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
All this time I'd been thinking the homo in homo sapiens was the homo from homogenized and homosexual, but apparently it's the homo from hombre and homme. I gave those early taxonomists more credit; I guess they were sexist after all.
After twenty five years
'as a Paramedic looking after all stratas of society I retired from the service and went to work for some friends of mine on a dairy
farm.I can assure you all that I would rather look after four legged animals than the two legged variety.Much more honest!
We are self-aware enough ...
... to see -- and hopefully overcome -- the greed and drive for survival and dominance that pushes the rest of nature's creatures through the day-to-day struggle for existence. Some use that vision to reach beyond selfishness and embrace empathy. Others ignore that vision because it impedes their need to ensure their own position in what they see as a never-ending struggle for security at the expense of others. In common parlance, it's referred to as the "To hell with you, Jack, I've got mine -- and I plan to keep it" philosophy. It's all too common, but hardly all that makes up the human spirit.
Condemning the entire species as being nothing more than animals with attitude takes away from everything humans have done that transcends that definition -- yes, poetry, art, theatre, and music, but also compassion, self-sacrifice, charity, and the rule of law. I like to see us as having ... possibilities. We are blessed with the potential to be more. What we do with that potential is our choice, but to deny it exists is to deny all hope of a better world.
Always remember that optimism is a survival trait, because without it, you're doomed before you start. So why not buck the odds and give humanity the benefit of the doubt? Otherwise, you'll spend the rest of your life seeing only the bad and despising everyone you meet, just because they're human.
Is that really the kind of life you want to lead?
Well Said
Here here. Well said, Randa. I wholeheartedly agree. Thanks for voicing an uplifting opinion.
I like to think that we're not all bad. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I'm disappointed but mostly I'm satisfied and happy.
Hugs to the lot of you!
- Terry
One of the highest priorities man has
is self preservation, and it will be done at someone's expense. The ego also has to be fed, usually at someone's expense. Children have to be taught to live in a society and to follow the rules, it is not a natural thing for us to do. Me first! is usually the way things go. And then again, people just don't take the time to care, nor do they desire to expend the effort to be nice.