Open Invitation Anybody interested… feel free.
I posted a story a couple of days ago called
A few people seemed to enjoy it and some wanted me to continue.
I hadn't planned to, but I was tempted. I've decided to go with my original idea and not follow on... but...
If anybody would like to do so, be my guest. The only stipulation I put is that you try to keep the same light feel.
But it will be your story not mine. I will try not to stick my nose in or play background editor. So... anyone interested??
Invitation Accepted, see the following
Wish I'd Stayed in Bed by Kaleigh Way
Sounds cool :)
And there's about ten days left in the Strangefellows contest! If Kristina is willing, continuations of her story would qualify as separate entries in the contest. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Don't tempt me
I have three Strangefellows stories in various states I need to finish.
I do not need my fickle muse to be tempted, you evil, evil ladies.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
John, look, nice tart Granny Smiths, sweet firm Braeburns. :) Sure you want one!
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
No, no,no, I saw Snow White
You're the evil witch who poisoned Snow White with that apple.
Coffee and doughnuts's?
Ummmm sprinkles ...
John in --AACK! --
John in Wauwatosa
Fine by Me
I fugured such would be the case, so that's fine and dandy. It would be a totally different story by a different
ps the only real reference in mine to location was one restaurant name. Change that if you wish and set it anywhere you like.
Too bad...
If I thought I could do the story justice, I would take it on, as I would love to see it continued. However, my writing style is rather different than yours, and we've already pointed out my difficulties with the Aussie slang :P
Not only that, but I don't have the life experience to write about dinner dates and business. *sigh* Oh well. I do hope someone reliable takes you up on the offer, though!
It doesn't matter at all that your style might differ. I've been told I do an ok story, but as a writer I'm pretty ordinary, so hey, 'ave a go ya mug (that was an Aussie-ism) what've ya got to lose. Nobody here writes exactly the same way, it's English but we all play with it according to education and desired outcome. As for any slang or locality points...shrug. Do it differently, that's sorta the point. As for business...well I spent a couple of years in a bank about 15 years ago. That's it for my personal knowledge of office politics. People is people though, so... wing it huh. That's what I do half the time. Age... I'm mid.. oh, ok edging into late 30's so, I'm either an oldie or a chicken ,depending on ya point of view. Maturity... oh do be serious, pffsshhtt.
Any newcomers that might be hesitant, well I offer to proof and help tweak it if you wish. So... somebody do it huh. Be a shame to let it lie afterall. At least that's what I heard.
You know what?
I just might do it. I hadn't really considered doing a story like this, but I think I'll take up your offer. AND, since you were so kind as to offer, you wanna do the proofing and tweaking? If I can't do the Aussie-isms, then I don't want too many that don't fit the location to slip in.
Well, research time!