Very Pleased


I have to say that I'm very pleased with the reception that my story has gotten in the short time it has been posted. And for that matter the first chapter of it as well. I never expected to have as many hits and comments as I just saw.
This makes me want to post the next chapters before they are really done being edited and revised. I will have to speed the process up some, I know that I have many more scenes to put up, I just want to go somewhat slowly so that I edit them correctly and maintain the flavor of the story.

There are some who will not like where the story goes, but that is what writing is about, I think. There will always be those people who think that it should have gone here or somewhere else and will never be happy with what I have written.
But Oh well that's the way it goes.
I just had to write this up and say thanks for allowing me to post this ~ the first of many, I hope.
