More Rambling! Yay! :-D

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It's important that I state, first and foremost, that I am in an exceptionally good mood right now. I feel more creative, and, in a word, "pumped" than I've felt in awhile, so take that into account foremost to set the 'mood' of this blog post.

I know after I finished Book Two of Becoming Robin I sort of went into a conservation phase for awhile. It took me forever to get the final chapter posted due to a combination of RL stuff and the Holiday blues, which put an even further damper on my finishing rewriting Shadowcraft.

The original concept behind the Shadowcraft rewrite was that I'd be able to put out different stories within the established universe as part of Margie's expanding beyond 'just' doing Aria Blade within the context of Robin. That didn't work out like I'd intended, but at the very least I'm finally getting back to working on the Aria Blade saga. I want to get that finished so I can move on to working on a Book Three.

Now, right now I have several different story strands I'm toying with. One of the things that sort of bothered me about Book Two was that, unlike Book One, it felt like it had less focus. It was less like a true sequel novel than a serialized soap opera (Degrassi Light, as I like to jokingly call it :-))

I could do B3 the same as B2, in the serialized style covering the new school year, but I think I'm going to try and get away from that and back to a more novelized style ala B1. That means it might be shorter than B2, but if I go this route, there's going to be more ups and downs coming at the girls this time around.

Something that really amuses me greatly about my writing is how much of my personal dreams crept into the story without my really realizing it. It happened so gradually that once it was written, it felt as though it 'belonged' there all along.

One example is Heedless Despair. Originally, they were supposed to just be a cameo group, a plot device for Nicole to have the sweet sixteen she would never forget. I wanted to show just how much Allison cared, that she'd go to such great lengths to book the band.

I started to flesh out the band as characters and realized that Moira would be a fantastic 'big sister' role for Nicole, and I started playing with ways to kind of bring her back.

With both Nicole and Allison already dabbling in music, it was inevitable that they'd pull Robin in eventually, just like Jennifer getting her interested in gymnastics and cheer.

Robin loves to try new things, and she's the sort of person who just sort of stumbles into situations she has no desire to be in, good or bad. In other words, she's a fun character to write specifically because even I have no idea, until after I've scripted a situation, how she'll actually handle it.

I'm thinking about playing up the music angle in B3 more, and I have a few ways to go about doing that without making it the main focus of the story. One of the big things I'd like to actually avoid is making it all about music, partly because that just isn't the story I want to tell. :-)

But music is important to me. When I'm not actively playing music, I'm either listening to anything from country to latin pop to classical, or I'm singing. I enjoy music the way others enjoy breathing, and at first, it kind of bothered me how that had crept into Robin's life, but like I said before, in a way it 'felt' like it belonged, like that's who Robin is.

She has a compassionate soul that I think is almost crucial to being a great musician, or a great writer. I'm neither of those two, but my guitar teacher, years ago, once told me that the greatest musician in the world is the one who enjoys it the most, so... Right, anyway, back on-tangeant! ^_^

Err, what was that tangeant again? Oh, yes, writing.

So um, yeah. Expect a different style when I start publishing B3. It's going to probably be awhile because I want to get closer to 'finished' this time than I was when I started publishing B2, but I have a general idea of what I want to do with the timeline overall. I just need to work out the fine details of what happens between January and June.

I might include the return to Girl Scout camp as part of B3. I haven't gotten that far ahead yet. Honestly I'm still even trying to decide if I want to cover every single sector of their lives in a serial style, or if I want to skip ahead any (as I've mentioned before, I have plans for them through college ;-))

Anyway! I just wanted to sort of post an update while the creative juices are surging a mile a minute, partly to organize my own thoughts, partly to say "I'm still here" :-D

The overwhelming support I've received for my writing has been ... well ... overwhelming :-P It continues to amaze me how my simple little story has touched so many people. I realize I'm writing for TopShelf's "sweet spot", but that's fine. I've put people outside their comfort zone pretty handily too, and if I really wanted, I could scare you guys off from ever reading anything I write again with my twisted sense of macabre horror ;-)

I wouldn't do that though. Or if I did, it would be covered in warnings :-P

Anyway, that's all I have for now. I'm reviewing what I have of Shadowcraft right now, so hopefully I'll have something of that ready "when it's ready" :-)



More Rambling! Yay! :-D

Glad that you're back to writing. I love reading your stories.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


Glad to hear that you are feeling better and things are looking up and very happy you are writing again HUGS & KISSES RICHIE2

Hmmm now that I think about it

... having characters grow 'with you' and not 'on you' is better, as the former is bad, what with that head and arms only you can see starting to bud and take form on your body as you write about them ( yeah bad imagination :) )

I've been wondering how you were getting on Zoes and I am very happy that you are happy and the happy little dividend of more Robin/Aria is all good!



Your giddiness and good mood practically radiate off this blog. I'm SOOOO happy for you! ^_^


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Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

robin book 3

Renee_Heart2's picture

Zoe I think that if you can cover 2-3 days per chapter insted of one I think that you can skip some of the mundain stuff not all because sometimes you need the mundain stuff to move the story along. So don't elininate it all together but you can skip some of it.

As for the music bit yes you need to leave that in so that Robin may some day join Ally & Nikie in the band on key bord. Girl Scout camp with all the friends together (the orginal 3 friends from school & the other CIT's from last year) as CIT's would be great to see at the end while the final preprations are under way for the wedding between Robin's mom & Ash Rodgers.

Your right about Robin just falling in to stuff, thing just find a way of finding her with her even trying. So I foward to when you get it up hun.
Love Samantha Renee Heart

Love Samantha Renee Heart

The Girl of my Dreams ... Literally :-P

Zoe Taylor's picture

So... I've been debating whether or not to write about this 'dream girl'. Two nights, possibly three (One in between the first and third was one of those nights where I simply could not remember my dreams at all) I've dreamed about her.

In both dreams, I can vividly remember she's exactly the same: long, wavy blonde hair, sparkling dark blue eyes, and she's slightly taller than me, but that's the weirdest part. It's not because she's freakishly tall, but because I'm a 5'4" seventeen year old girl myself :-P

In the first dream, we met at some sort of school assembly or something in the gym. She looked like she was feeling sick, so I got up and walked over to introduce myself, and she introduced herself as Emily. After that she stretched out on the bleachers next to me.

We talked for awhile, and I introduced her to one of my guy friends, and they started to hit it off, while she and I became best friends.

The second dream started as the surreal nonsense I'm used to. I was riding in a car with two guys I 'knew' (in the context of the dream world. I have no idea who they were after I woke up :-P) And then suddenly she was just sort of 'there' next to me. Suddenly everything changed, and I think we were at summer camp because there are a lot of kids our age, but it's definitely not a school thing because she's teaching me how to fish. She loves the outdoors, and it shows.

I've only ever known one person in my entire life named Emily, and this fictional girl is nothing like her in appearance or personality. This is so far out of left field, and yet so absolutely vivid, so 'real'-feeling, that it's almost more like a memory than a dream. It's kind of spooky because my dreams don't usually stick with me this long.

Anyway, the reason I mention it here, as a kind of 'add-on' to my most recent blog post, is that I'm actually thinking about adding her as a character to Robin in Book Three. Her adventurous outdoorsy spirit would compliment the other girls well, I think.

I have no idea how I would fit her into the story, but she just felt so organic and natural, even after I woke up. Normally my dreams are utterly off-the-wall nonsense that only makes sense while I'm asleep, but this was something else entirely.

I'm actually kind of hoping I "meet" her again, as childish as that probably sounds. Or maybe I'm just finally going completely 'round the bend. ^_^

We'll see what happens, in any event, but I just wanted to share that little tidbit of insight into my weird, wacky brain. :-D

* * *

"Zoe, you are definitely the Queen of Sweetness with these Robin stories!"
~ Tychonaut

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

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All the weird wacky brains

Are worth being insighted to! ;)


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Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!