This only vaguely has anything to do with anything more than I'm frustrated and decided to vent here rather than there.
There of course being the name for the inside of the old freezer I keep the bodies in...
any hoo
So years ago I played Magic the Gathering with my little brother.
He is better at games than I am. Period. Monopoly, Magic, L5R, Video games, whatever, he's just better at the actual playing than I am. I end up bored and frustrated really quick and after a while quit in a rage. So anyway he and one of my best friends have been playing Magic Online and they managed to sort of rope me back in by having me watch them play. I love watching. I come up with helpful ideas for decks and it's a heck of a lot of fun. So after a while I thought.
Hmmm... maybe it would be fun to play myself.
Ah no...
no, no, no...
I made it through about one and a half games of a Swiss Draft before I was so fed up and bored with it that I conceded the whole thing. Keep in mind I had a fair chance of winning the second game and i had paid to play this.
But GOD it was so DULL! Like the only time I ever played World of Warcraft DULL!
So yeah. I ended up bored, angry and (when you calculate everything) about fifty dollars poorer. :P
Oh well, I guess if nothing else it reminded me why I stopped playing. Maybe sitting around watching them will just have to be good enough.
Anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
Oh.... for anyone curious about Crossroads 2... after a few minor hiccups it is proceeding apace. I think It's about halfway done and I'll get it up just as soon as I can. :)
If you mean . . .
Is anybody else bored outta their skulls with video games and RP games and board games and card and dice games, etc, etc, etc., then yes, I am. Don't like them, never have, never will. Except I can't watch either. I'll wander off and find a good book, or even a bad book, or take a nap. Wake me when you guys are through screwing around. Zzzzzz . . .
. . . .
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Nope. It is an enjoyable way
Nope. It is an enjoyable way to exercise my imagination.
Yes, I do!
It always seems like so much fun, but it so quickly gets old. Still, every d--n time my kids start playing video games, I wanna play...
Just isn't the same when I actually do though...