I am as blessed as anyone can be; my wife loves me, even if she doesn't know who I am. And of course my son loves me as well. But before they came into my life, I was married to another; my childhood sweetheart. She was eleven and I was almost fourteen when we met. After a long arduous struggle, we separated and divorced. I count my own behavior the reason for my failure to bless her and hold her dear.
In the past month, I have been able to re-establish a relationship of sorts through face book. This note found its way to me today. After nearly twenty-nine years, I find peace through reconciliation. The note is edited:
Subject: Reconnecting
I was very touched by your reply on Christmas Eve. You really shouldn't feel such a heavy burden for what happened years ago - I was just as much to blame for the end of our marriage. I accept your apology, and please accept my apology in return.
If you would like to contact me directly, my work e-mail address is:
I always have my work e-mail open during the day.
Yours in Christ,
How special and blessed is that? I've been at peace for years in so many ways, but I was unable to find release until now regarding our marriage. She was my first love, and I will always love her, even as God has blessed me with my wife and son. The old saying, "count your blessings...name them one by one...and you will see what the Lord has done."
A wonderful response for you
A wonderful response for you my dearest Drea.
My Best Friend Forever...
You have been truly BLESSED, Andrea, and may the BLESSINGS continue.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
So Nice
What a beautiful end of year, beginning of the year gift. I hope this helps you heal.
Sometimes it's hard to know who our true friends are... Sometimes separation tells us something we'd not otherwise know or understand.
Re-connecting is worth while, but be careful. You'd not want your current wife to "worry" about a "previous flame". As long as she knows what's going on and that you love HER, not your ex and so on, you should be fine. Just don't give her reason to doubt your love for her.
Best wishes. Facebook can be both a wonderful thing and a scary thing.
Curiously enough...
...her name is Annette. She's remarried to a great guy, and she's built herself a great life apart from me. Any connection now is purely as a long-time friend who remains dear to my heart as a sister and dear member of my extended family. Being married to my wife for twenty-five years remains the true wonder and blessing of my life; as new as when we first exchanged vows and as wonderful as anything that gets better every day can be.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
How Absolutely Fantastic!!!!
What a blessing to receive that kind of apology/reconciliation/release from bitterness/etc...
Now THAT is the way to end one year and start a new one!!
Great New Year's - Step 1
Dear Andrea:
What a wonderful way to start a New Year, with such a note from your first love.
Hopefully, it will end with an equal blessing when your now beloved Tracey, will leave Christmas gifts under the tree for both both of your special parts - Andrea and .....)
thats wonderful hon
i am glad you were able to get that release. hugs.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
An Inappropriate Remark
Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam... And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva... So tweasure your wuv.
Your story was so sweet, but for some reason it made me think of The Princess Bride. Anything that reminds anyone of The Princess Bride must be special.
Oh to be born again as Buttercup.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)