I know writers love to have their stories noticed and a comment is perhaps the most appreciated. This isn't a plea for more comments rather a plea for those so carefully written missives to find their way onto the list.
Just recently I've made some erudite(?) comment and found, to my surprise, it wasn't where I expected to find it. At first I thought I'd made some dreadful mistake and Erin had deleted it. Then I realised I'd fallen foul of the double layer posting regimen and clicked off the story without confirming the comment preview.
Big Closet is the only forum I know which requires a compulsory 'preview' step before posting a comment. Others offer the preview merely as an option. I suspect I'm not alone in making this error and writers are thereby deprived of the feedback they crave ;) Is there any real need for this two stage process? If not, would it be a lot of work to eliminate it? Several times recently I've written quite a long comment, lost it and simply thought 'sod it!' and moved on.
Perhaps it's just me and advancing years but perhaps not?
btw The compulsory preview is fine for blogs and stories (even desirable) but not for normal reader feedback IMO
i have dont the same thing
and forgotten it was in "preview" mode. But overall, i rather like the feature, because i have caught some errors in time before i posted on enough occasions that it is worth keeping.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
Yeah, I've done it, too. However...
I think that the preview process is a good thing (unless you do dumb things like not use it. Guilty!). It gives you a chance to see what it will look like once posted, and also gives you a second chance to see if you have said something mean or stupid (Guilty!). I'm very glad it's there!
Tennessee Two-Step
There are many times I wished it were four or five steps . . . to give me time to find civility.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
In all fairness,
There are other forums which require the same, Pam's House Blend being one that pops to mind. I know there are others, of that I am sure, but can't remember this early in the morning. I am NOT a morning person, thiough I try to portray one in real life...
Lost comments
I know of exactly what you are saying. Computer problems, connection problems, and CRS have caused me to dump more than one 'erudite' comment. I do like the ability to double check what I am posting, so what I do for any lengthy comment is to copy (highlight and right click) it to my clip board. If all goes well I don't have to worry. If for some reason, it gets lost, I can paste it into a new reply.
Lazarus to the rescue
Lazarus is an addon for firefox that will solve this problem. It resurrects lost text in any browser box. And it's easy enough to use that even I can do it. I'm sure there are similar programs for other browsers.
Thanks Jan ...
... I use Firefox so that could be a big help and save some frustration. I'll have a look for it.
As it's the 25th here I'll wish you Merry Christmas :)
nice tip
I hadn't heard of it either but have on occasion blown a comment by either the nightly update thing hitting me or simply bumping a key. Just had a need to use Lazarus and it worked perfectly. Dead easy too. Thanks Jan. Beats trying to resurrect those amazingly erudite thoughts that woz there a moment ago..cough.