Well after far longer than I might have hoped for, Part Two of my The Center story has been posted. Titled Crossroads, it deals with the life of a very ordinary extraordinary boy whose life suddenly gets very VERY interesting.
You know... in the Chinese Curse sense of the word.
All told there will be six parts to the first "book" and I am about a sixth done with book two. Thanks for reading and have a great day.
OH yeah! The title of this post has to do with all the trouble I had with getting the story to format correctly. Luckily Maggie Finson was good enough to give me a little help and everything now is copacetic.
Wow! Do I know how you feel!
I'm getting better at it, but I am far from satisfied with my formatting for my titles and such. I give a lot of credit for what IS right to Bobby Cabot's "Top Shelf for Dum-Dums." What a great resource!
At this point, I just try to copy what I had done before, and change the details. Hey, it works!
I also have to thank Holly Hart's Title Demo. This made everything much easier, but I'm still playing with it. I really envy Saless' "Venus Cursed" logo. Just beautiful! Maybe someday....
It's a lot of frustrating work sometimes, but it's fun, too!