Road to Myself - 9: Why Surprised?

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Road to Myself - 9: Why Surprisesd?
Annette MacGregor

Okay, if I'd thought about it, I shouldn't have been surprised.

But, I didn't. Tuesday evening, the head of our North American consulting was in town for a meet & greet, so we congregated in Manhattan for face time and then a social event to follow. The social event was Bowling.

Now, I was never a serious bowler (Maybe once every other or every third year). Up until last year, I was consistently rolling a 150+ (on rare occasions over 180)... Last year, I chaperoned our church youth group's bowling trip... There I was in the mid 120s... I figured, okay it's been a while.

Well, Tuesday evening, I played two games. I rolled a 48 on the first and a 46 on the 2nd (the only way I got that 46 - was going up to the line - and rolling the ball - backwards between my legs and getting an accidental strike).

At the time, I couldn't figure out what had happened that made things so dramatically different. I told my wife the story yesterday, and she suggested what should have been the OBVIOUS reason... My weight's been rearranging itself over the past two years... Not only have I been losing weight, it's been moving... Bowling is so much a matter of balance. I guess, it's a good thing I don't roll a lot, or I'd be in trouble... As is, I suspect I'll either accept this MUCH lower average or learn how to bowl all over again. LOL

As I think back, I expected SOME things to change as I got rid of the testosterone and lost muscle mass... But, this just wasn't one of them...

*sighs* Having to do that in my guy alter-ego didn't help, but that's what they all expected. And, had I had heels on, the walk from Penn Station to the Chelsea Pears might not have been so comfortable. LOL

The big things - we anticipate. It's the little things that change with us that are the surprises.

Thanks for listening (okay, reading).

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