A visit to FM's Hyperboard and I found something......I don't want to look too closely. But an image in a Hyperboard reply appears to be of someone stroking themselves. {LINK REDACTED - EDITOR}
If I right, FM has gone down the toilet. It's been going that way, but this is just absolute confirmation. The person who posted it, isn't a registered user. So their post had to get approved before being allowed on the Hyperboard.
Maybe my eyesight is playing tricks on me, but this poster has shown themselves to be a few cards short of a deck in the past. Nifty has become a porn website. The stories have little redeeming value and the images on each page....I stopped going there. If FM finds that imagery fine, I better just yank everything I have there.
Sorry, Danielle
I broke the link to the specific comment on FM's hyperboard. It just isn't something I feel necessary to link to.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
FM message deleted.
That picture didn't show up in the thread when I approved it, only the text. It is now deleted. In the future, please write to me, [email protected] , with complaints about the Fictionmania message board, instead of posting complaints elsewhere, where I might not see it! I will discuss this with Talea to insure this doesn't happen again.
Mr. Ram