I just got home from an all day movie marathon at a friend's house, with new and old friends. The new friends are used to seeing me as Cathy, and they treat me as the female I present myself as, but two of the old ones hadn't ever seen me as Cathy, and I was a bit uptight when I got there. okay, I was a LOT uptight!
What I finally got from them was, in one case, positive signs that we can continue to be friends. What I got from the other, was COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE!!!! Not only that, but he told me that knowing me had actually helped him in his dealings with two other T-girls who work in his department! Even though neither of them had ever seen me as Cathy before today, they both knew that I was travelling the rebirth trail.
By the way, I've decided that the term "transition" is too vague to describe the way my life has been since I began my RLT, I've borrowed a term someone else used here not too long ago. Rebirth seems much more descriptive of the way I truly feel.
Right now I am too excited and high on adreneline to even THINK about going to bed, so I'm composing this blog. In some earlier blogs of mine, it appears I misjudged my old friends. I hereby apologise to them, and thank them for their loyalty and belief in me. My load is a lot lighter tonite than it was when I woke up this morning.
To all those having a rough time of it right now, al I can really say is that I feel your pain, I understand your frustrations, and I wish you all the best in the world. I know it might seem very dark right now, but there IS light out there. I know there is. I've found some.
Big hugs and hopes for the best for you,
ah, acceptance
a truly golden moment, a wonderful feeling. enjoy.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
Since I facilitate a mental health support group, I can say without tripidation that one can empathize but no one feels anothers pain. The pains I go through are mine and mine alone, but I also realize that my pain is no greater than anothers.
Acceptance begins with ourselves, if we don't accept who we are, how can we expect others to accept us. The growing you are going through is not a rebirth, but an actual transition from male to female. Transition does sound mundane, but it is going from one point to another with bumps in the road.
You've grown, which is indicative by the acceptance of your friends, enjoy the new wealth that you have.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.