I find that when I am engaged in writing a story, which is different than thinking about writing one, it is incredibly difficult for me to actively read stories. If I find a good old book, it does have the ability to drag me away to a comfortable chair and let me focus on reading, but I do not have the same focus for anything I read on a computer. It is just too easy to cave into the pressure of opening the wordprocessing tool and the text of what I am working on. At that point it is unfairly difficult for an author to fully grab my attention.
Do others experience this? Does it become easier to compartmentalize with more experience?
This is much like my experience
Reading books is my favorite way to procrastinate about writing but reading onscreen stories for me is very difficult if I'm also involved in writing.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Re: Reading and Writing, but not 'Rithmetic
I feel really guilty for not reading more people's work, but generally, I'm up to my ears in a story of my own. I find reading other people's, can give me ideas, but more often than not, it takes my mind off what I'm supposed to be doing and then I lose the thread of my own story.
So yes. I do have that problem.
Nick B
The more I write the less I read.
I have come late to this posting Arcie. But it strikes a chord.
I only write spasmodically. Life intrudes too much. And I differentiate between books and what I see on a computer screen. The latter is another world, largely divorced from the everyday.
But I find a lot of truth in what you say. I tend only to read here the authors that experience has taught me that I will enjoy. Those whom I know write well. Or. to be more exact, those whose writing style is to my liking. Even that is not quite true because I recognise from the comments made, other other authors who can write but when looking at their work, the synopsis does not appeal. I feel guilty about this knowing I should not be so mentally closed to others' literary efforts.
But I do read more when I myself am stuck. This is a form of mental cowardice. So perhaps for me it is the reverse of your experiences. I shelter behind the work of others. At these times I tend to comment more, getting involved in rather futile postings that only the charitably inclined insane would adjudge to be of the remotest interest to others.
When I am in full flood, when everything flows and the world is my oyster, then perhaps I resent the time to be wasted on reading the work of others.
And the conclusion? Well there isn't any really. Just that if it is going well nothing else matters. and nor should it. If it is going badly then you can either knuckle down and work at it or escape.
I, alas, being somewhat less than a role model, invariably seek to escape.
And no it doesn't get better.