Today while web surfing I ran across this story, "QED." It appears to be a "Zerophilia" fanfic. It is by Jon Buck and is hosted at the site. Warning it is still incomplete, but I found it interesting anyways. Since it was just posted there is more to come.
The story link is
The site link is
Shifti has stories about all kinds of transformations, many of them about furries. However, there is a section that is just TG. It is set up in a wiki format so it can take some exploring to find what you're looking for.
what a concept!
very interesting idea! I would love to able to switch that easily
I never
saw the movie, but the summary does sound interesting. Most of the viewers gave it a B or 6 on the 1 to 10 scale. For a low budget flick that's not bad. As for Jon's story, I found the first part of this very interesting. I do hope more is posted soon.
There was a MOVIE ! ?
Hey, don't hold out on us, what was the name and where can I find it?
It was Zerophilia lol I
It was Zerophilia lol
I thought it was a 7 our of 10 anyway. An enjoyable watch, actually I watched it twice.
saw the movie. just read the story. I liked it. I hope the author continues. who knows, maybe I'll write my own fanfic. thanks for sharing.
stupid joke, nevermind.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,