Life seems to be going in an odd yet easy to follow almost roller-coaster pattern, up down up down dup uown or something like that.
today was interesting because I was attending my 'Intro into Practical Nursing' when I got a call from my mom telling me my uncle had been admitted into into oncology with leukemia.
Good news however, my newest nephew Trevor is growing into a little hellion just like his mother. We had him over at his grandmothers and he was given finger paint, he apparently decided the paper was nothing more than a centerpiece for a masterpiece and finger painted AROUND the paper on grand mom's new counter top. Little brat is an adorable handful.
His sister however baffles even the greatest minds of our family, where Trevor is like a small dog that has been force fed copious amounts of sugar and caffiene, Kaylyn is calm, quiet and likes to stay out of the spot light. Where Trevor finger paints on new counter tops Kay likes to sit quietly and read.
sometimes I wonder about my family genetics.
Thats the difference between a boy and a girl