Unpublishing some Stories

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For what it's worth, I'll be taking down the "body" of several of my short stories in the next few weeks. They're the non-TG stories and I've another place I may be sharing them, and I'd prefer people NOT be able to find my work here (yet) when they read them (If anyone does).

If anyone cares, here's a list of the stories that will disappear (mostly):

I've not yet decided on Judgement Day as it's more of a comment on society and expectations rather than a TG story, per-say.

What I'll do is remove the body of the story, and leave a "stub" saying the story is no longer available.

Hope nobody minds,


Don't post elsewhere until...

29 days from when you take them down from here. Google caches pages for 4 weeks, and they'll still be findable in relation to TopShelf for that time.


Yeah, I know... It wasn't THAT immediate. That's why I didn't specify an exact date. The stuff I've written that I knew in advance would likely go somewhere else never got here...

Thanks for the length of time on the caching though. Wasn't sure the actual length.


Non TG stories

Annette, I admire your courage and hope that you do really well where ever you post them.

Other than my first half dozen stories, I seem to have headed in the direction of "Lip Service" to the TG genre. My latest get all that tranformation and angst out of the way in the first page and then it is a story about a woman. I have thought about posting to a non TG site but right now, I am just too busy minding house to worry much about writing.

Much peace



I actually submitted a short story to the NPR "3 minute story" round 5 competition... Not that it'll win. LOL But, it got me thinking again (and some comments by others that don't know I'm TG and read some of the things I'm pulling)... So, I figured go ahead and pull them now. They don't get more than 1-2 reads (I should say "opens" LOL) a month these days and they're not important when understanding anything else I've written/posted here.
