This is in reply to several comments on the 24th Chapter of my Duty Honor Country Family story at Stardust. An anonymous commenter keeps asking repeatedly where my next chapter is. I originally wrote this on September 4th at Big Closet.
There are just too much going on at my home right now. As I previously blogged, my mother-in-law's thyroid cancer has recurred. It has metastasized to her spine and Nanay underwent 10 radiation treatments. Doctors talked about surgery, but she is 75 years old and no family member thought Nanay would do well with that form of medical treatment.
Nanay went back in the hospital yesterday because she was having trouble swallowing and was becoming dehydrated. It was also discovered her blood pressure was very low. The swallowing issue may have been caused by the radiation treatments burning Nanay's esophagus. Tests are being done to determine this.
I don't know how long she will be in JFK hospital. Right now her two daughters and one granddaughter are taking turns staying in the hospital with. While I'm not doing the back and forth hospital shuttle, I am having to take care of the house much more than is normal for me. Remember I have my own health issues. Nanay's health is bad and I think it won't ever be good again. At present I don't feel much more than spending my free time watching Hogan's Heroes, writing an occasional blog post, and playing Minesweeper. Sorry I got too much going on at present to focus on my writing.
Nanay's health is WORSE since I wrote this post 18 days ago. I'm not going to catalog everything that is going wrong, but her oncologist said today that if one issue wasn't resolved, Nanay would be best to go to hospice.
I have a sick mother-in-law, two kids at home now, my wife either working or spending almost all her time at the hospital, and my own health issues. The distractions make writing impossible right now.
Family first always. My prayers go to you and your family.
Please, dear heart.... whatever is necessary to take care of yourself and your family. Thank you for letting us know what's happening with your Nanay. My prayers for her and you and your family.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Like wise
I would wish you and yours some measure of peace in the troubled times ahead of you.
Bailey Summers
My Sympathies Danielle,
[email protected] I've been going through a really rough time with family myself. They are, in essence, who we are and where we came from. Nothing else can matter more to self-awareness than that.
Love, and Huge Hugs of Support,
[email protected]
Thyroid cancer killed my mother
You have nothing to be ashamed about, Danielle.
Take care of you and your's first. That poster who refuses to give their name can go FUC* themselves with a chainsaw for all *I* care.
Damned jerk!
I much enjoy your writings but to badger you when your family is in crisis is beyond the pale.
If she is still alive tell her I feel for her and if she when she passes if she meets a nice Milwaukee girl who goes by Ellen Rose or Rosie in heaven have her tell my mom to say hi. I miss her so.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Family Comes Fiirst
Family comes first, always. Even those of us transitioning suffer/take strength from/ our families, even when being rejected.
Families come first. If some nimrod can't accept that then please let me reply to them. No one should have to put up with that kind of ungreatfulness.
In the meantime, I'll be praying for you and your family,
My prayers are with you
Take carfe of yourself, and your family. We'll wait for the story.