Video on YouTube with me as special guest!

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YouTube user AngryAussie (who isn't really angry) sort of half-interviewed me as we walked around Melbourne's CBD and admired the street art.


You changed your hair color

Hi Edeyn, it was good to see you again. I noticed you changed your hair color. It looks good and you look very healthy. The move down under has done wonders for you, Arecee

Nice one,Edeyn,


'but always remember that the best thing to come out of Melbourne is the Hume Highway heading north!!
Seriously though,thank you for showing that we are accepting out here of 'different' people and
are not a bunch of raving,uneducated rednecks.Even up here in North Queensland,Cairns in particular,
we have our Tropical Pride today and and it will be well attended by straights,gays,lesbians and
transgendered people with more than a few CD's thrown in-----if you ever get to Cairns,look us up.
It is a lovely place and Soooooooo much warmer than down South.


'Defy definition'

Zoe Taylor's picture


Thanks for sharing this Edeyn :-D

* * *

"Zoe, you are definitely the Queen of Sweetness with these Robin stories!"
~ Tychonaut

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

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