Please, please, please!!!!
Queers in California are people! At least until the 9th circuit or SCOTUS says otherwise.
Stay denied.
I don't know a good and fast photo aggregator (do you?) but I like these pictures enough for a rerun.
(I'm not in California, nor do I have anyone who's willing to spend a weekend with me, much less a life, but this still makes me very, very happy!! It taste like freedom. And I'm sorry for those that don't get it.)
not quite lifted
According to some sites - Stay lift date is 18th at 5pm. If 9th circuit haven't agreed a stay by that time, then same-sex marriage will be possible.
[well, it is the 9th, not 5th, or 11th...]
Stay What?
I may be a little logic-challenged, and I certainly know nothing about "The Law." However, looking at the current status of things... (You can look, too! The full text of the judge's orders are posted here: ) seems that there are two separate things in play.
1) Proposition 8 has been found to be unconstitutional, and is, hence, unenforceable.
2) (and this is separate) The judge's order, enjoining the enforcement of Prop 8, is what has been stayed until 5 pm PDT on Wednesday, August 18. In other words, he's already found the law unconstitutional and invalid, but has stayed his injunction which orders them not to continue to enforce it.
Arnold Schwarzenneger and Jerry Brown have both said they have zero interest in enforcing Prop 8. So... adding 2 and 2 and getting 11 1/2, I ask, why do they have to? I mean, if they don't want to enforce Prop 8 (now found to be unconstitutional) and deny marriage certificates to people otherwise entitled to them, who's going to make them?
I have this daydream in mind... Arnold is sitting behind a big, polished mahogany desk in the Governor's office, looking a bit angry and defiant, in that Hollywood-Arnold way of his, blustering and waving his hand at his underlings, "I don't care! F**k the stay! Just start issuing them! Who's going to stop us, those weak girly-men* who got their asses kicked in court trying to defend that piece of crap? That law is dead, history! Why do we have to be ordered to stop obeying it? That makes no sense! Until something changes, just stop screwing around and issue the damned licenses. Got it?"
* Note the ironic employment of one of his favorite old insults, to refer this time to those (the proponents of Proposition 8) who are afraid of letting same-sex couples marry.
Unfortunately, it's not just an injunction
that has been stayed, but the entire order. The Governator and the AG are required to continue acting as if the whole decision has not happened yet.
Oh Sodom and Gomorrah!
Mark my words! The Godless Homosexualist Agenda won't want to stop with allowing gay marraige!! Soon they'll be grabbin guys off the street and MAKING them get gay-married to each other!!!! Like they're doing now over in Europe, or like happens me in that nightmare I keep having, the one where they make me wear that rubber wedding dress and veil with the matching ball gag, and when I wake up from it my sheets is all sticky like...
-Alarmed in Bakersfield
In this vein...'s a link to an interesting article re just how traditional "traditional marriage" really is.
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Original Source
I'm a firm believer in tracing things as close to their source as possible. Here is the essay as printed on the author's, Jeff Goode's, own website:
As you can see at the top of the page, it's an article he wrote for the Huffington Post and was published in November of 2008, on the eve of the election.
Same Sex Marriage = California
Yes, He has put a hold on this until the 18th at 1700 hrs so the writers/ supporters of Prop 8 can appeal to 29th district Appeals Court can say something and if they don't say anything, the marriages can resume marriages of this type in the state. I know the County of San Diego is taking appoints for the licences now! Richard