I do not remember my dreams... when I wake up its almost as if no time has gone by but I feel strangely refreshed and almost able to face the day ... after 9 more minutes... or maybe 18.
I'm curious, does anyone else either not dream or have dreams that they can't remember?
The closest I've ever come to remembering a dream is a feeling of anxiousness that seemed to follow me all day. I do not have night time 'wet dreams' (that I can remember).
Please share... do you dream?
I Have Dreams And Forget Them
I have dreams and forget them. There are little bits and pieces that stick in my mind, but I get up the next morning and barely remember. The ones I do remember, I practically kick myself for not writing down because they would make a good story plot. One thing I do remember is when my relatives call me by my correct name and gender. Maybe it is just wishful thinking? One can always hope I guess?
beautiful dreamer
Years ago they based a series of advertisements on my dreams:
~~~hugs, Laika
(Or was it the other way around?)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Dream a little dream
I remember some dreams, and have often thought of writing them down when I wake up but it never happens. The thing that is odd about my dreams is that I thrash around violently; tearing the bed up until I often waken with no sheet or blankets. Recently I woke with the sheet completely around my neck.
It seems that in my dreams, I sort of "work things out".
one of the ways i realized i was coming to grips with my female side was when i started remembering dreams where i was female.
Unfortunately for me, I do
Unfortunately for me, I do dream. And I remember my dreams.
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
I dream a lot ...
... but I don't remember them much. I do know they're usually great fun although I haven't had a so-called wet dream since puberty 50 odd years ago. I do remember sometimes wondering just where that came from after a particularly strange dream but, sadly, the details disappear seconds after waking. Perhaps a solution would be to keep a notepad beside the bed to write down the dream as soon as I wake but that's not going to happen.
Dreams are an interesting topic that have fascinated mankind for millennia and often ascribed many fanciful purposes. The brain, which presumably creates dreams, is a very interesting organ and of which we know relatively little.
I always dream
unless severely tired or sick. I lucid dream quite a bit and sometimes about things I want to think about. But the ones that are the best/worst is when you burst out laughing at something funny in your dream, it wakes you up and be damned if you can remember what's so funny.
Bailey Summers
We all dream
without it, the brain would have problems. You can teach yourself to remember dreams but it is a pain, as you have to wake several times a night and write them down.
According to a parapsychologist I met, we dream about four times during a normal night's sleep, and 1:4 dreams is precognitive. We sleep in phases of light and deeper sleep, dreams occur during the light sleep and are usually accompanied by REM (rapid eye movement).
I dream
I dream, and I remember bits and pieces of some dreams I have just before I wake. I also do lucid problem solving dreams and wake from them to jot notes about the solution to the problem or go directly to the location of some item I have misplaced, otherwise I would not recall it. When I would have writers block when doing my site reports, I could dream my way out of the block and make good progress the next day. I also learned when I was very young to re-script a nightmare into a less threatening dream, and I can often direct myself into a dream on a subject I want to dream about, but I still recall only bits and pieces unles I wake. That is quite likely (that I will awake) since I do not sleep well when I do that. I usually read for a half hour or so before going to sleep to put the day away, and that helps with dropping off.
Heck yes, I dream!
I've always had very vivid dreams and I remember most of the nights dreams. I find that if I keep a dream log, just a notebook next to the bed, I remember more details from my dreams. I've dabbled in lucid dreaming, it's what brought about my making a dream log.
I had two cats, when I was growing up. If I see those cats, I know I'm dreaming and can attempt to manipulate the dream. It works about half the time.
Mr. Ram