Here's an outline of the process:
Click on |+Fiction| in the menu at the top edge of the BC screen. This brings up a form with blanks and pulldown menus. Type in the title of your story in the Title blank.
Make your choices from the roll down menus to describe your story categories. If you haven't posted before, your name will not be in the author pulldown and New Author will already be picked. Pay attention to the story categories as they help guide people to find your story. Do note the Permissions category if you are posting for someone else or doing a fan-fiction.
Type a short teaser for your story, preferably including your title and author name, in the Body box, marking the end of the teaser by typing <!--break--> If you skip the teaser, the software will try to exerpt one from your story.
Copy and paste the main body of your story from your editor program into the Story: window after the teaser. If you're using Microsoft Word, first save the story in .txt form then do the copy and paste. Your story should have blank lines between paragraphs to show up properly on the screen for easy onscreen reading.
Hit the Preview button to see how things look. If everything is okay, hit the Submit button to post the story. It will appear immediately. If there are major problems with how the story looks on screen formatting wise when you're finished, don't worry. I or one of the BC volunteer editors will fix it within a few hours.
If it's your first story, I'll send you a PM when I add your name to the author pulldown menu. :)
If there's a specific problem, ask in a comment here, or a PM to me (Erin) or an email to me ( [email protected] ).
Good luck and thanks for posting on BigCloset. :)
Where is the fiction menu
Maybe I am being blind, but I don't see a "Fiction" menu option anywhere on any screen.
It's a sub heading under... create content.
Definately blind
I am missing something here. The only menu items I see are:
Home, Serials, Blogs, Forums, Links, Feed and Donate. Am I in the wrong area entirely?
..if you are signed in you should see on the top left (where your name comes up)a bunch of options listed below (Categories, Directory, My Account etc..). One of those marked with a little arrow is Create content. If you click on that you will find a list of options, including the Fiction option for posting stories. There are others, Blog for example.
I don't have a create content entry
I am logged in, but the only ones I get are Categories, Directory, Recent popular content, recent posts, my account and log out.
I just checked and found out that your account didn't have the proper privileges to enter stories and access some of the other features of the site. I just upgraded your account to correct that error.
Bob Arnold
P.S. - Erin would normally do this but she's occupied with a family matter at the moment.
Thanks, Bob.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
You Skipped a Few Steps
Q. (Asked of a person on a street corner in New York.) How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
A. (From that sad, but wise person.) Practice . . . lots of practice.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Just so ...
You're right, Angela.
I hit that entry every now and then and nothing happens; well it gives me another menu and eventually I reach the page to enter things that have already been written, but I don't create anything when I use it.
Is this a bug? Can it be fixed, Erin? Bob? I need all the help I can get.
Liberty is more than the freedom to be just like you.
Say what?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.