Melbourne, Victoria

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Edeyn So, I've been here in Melbourne for 2 weeks today. And as promised (I promised somebody I'd do this) here's a general breakdown of how my time in Australia has been so far... Just a few high points and such things!
Left Hot Springs to Little Rock to spend the night at a friend's place, left the next morning to fly to Atlanta, spent 7 hours there and then flew to L.A., spent half an hour and then boarded for Sydney! Landed in Sydney, dreading Customs -- how long? What if they told me to go home? What if... ?

Stood in line, spent less than a minute talking to Customs Lady, who teased me about "confiscating that dangerous chocolate bar (Whatchamacallit) until I mentioned it was for my girlfriend who couldn't get her favourite bar from the U.S. here. Stood in line again, had my bags (one checked, one carryon that had my laptop in it) scanned. The Customs X-Ray Dude had me open the laptop bag and says, "Ohhh, juggling bags. What's in those? **Birdseed** Well, make sure you take those back out of the country when you leave." Then I was walking out and into mah baybee's arms... after a hug and sob into shoulders session that was somewhere between 7 minutes and the end of time we walked to the exit and out into the Sydney Winter air. Somewhere between 68 and 71 degrees Fahrenheit (20-21 Celsius). I was wearing shorts and a singlet top (I'd already pulled off my T-Shirt once through Customs). A man wearing heavy boots, fuzzy pants, a parka, scarf, earmuffs, and a stocking cap looked at me like - I - was the crazy one.

While in Sydney for 6 days, we explored the Botanical Gardens and the Rocks -- with an amazing visit to the Susannah Place museum that was educational and a beautiful example of preserved architecture. Oldest still standing dwelling in Sydney, built during Convict Days and lived in consistently until 2006, when it became a museum. I also had my very first train rides ever -- three subway rides that were all pretty short.

Off to Newcastle for 6 days! My first extended (2 hours) train ride, also the first above ground. Stayed in the YHA Hostel on Newcastle Beach. Saw Nobby's Lighthouse up close, had my first Aussie meat pie (Harry's Cafe de Wheels), the most AMAZING Kebabs in Hamilton (Oasis Pavilion, across from the Kent!), and went swimming in the ocean for the first time in 22 years! I adore Newcastle. It has bumped San Francisco for the top spot of my ideal place to live.

Now for a three-hour train trip to my belovéd's parents' home. Spent a week there with her family, noticing the similarities between there and my home area (the Ozarks), and having the flu. Saw the 10-year old nephew play Rugby, celebrated brother's 38th birthday, and played with the nieces and nephews a lot!

Back to Newcastle for two days... then back on the train to Sydney to catch the plane to Melbourne. Arrived in Melbourne three weeks ago last night (leaving 7 weeks from today to come back, will spend 33 hours traveling and will arrive home 11 hours after departing). Spent the whole of the first week still getting past the flu, the first weekend we had a lovely time in a picturesque drive through the Dandenong area (Sassafras, Kallista, etc.), and this past weekend just... relaxing. This week is a bit busier planned, and next week we're hitting the Great Ocean Road.

We'll be going to visit the family and back to Newcastle for a bit before leaving. It'll be leaving Newcastle for Sydney, get plane to L.A., Customs, plane to Atlanta, plane to Little Rock, drive to Hot Springs. Collapse and probably be jet laggy for a week or so.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...


It sounds

like you are having a very nice trip and unless you glossed over them, very few hassles. Glad things seem to be going right for you. Have fun. I have always wanted to visit there.

Susannah Place?

kristina l s's picture

Oh okay, I had to look that one up... never heard of it. I guess it was being renovated last time I wandered through there which was a couple of years ago. Nice place to wander The Rocks, can get a bit rowdy at times though. Newcastle to sydney to Melbourne to Sydney to... you'll get dizzy. Have a good time, it's not a bad place on the whole.



littlerocksilver's picture

Those of us in Little Rock and close by areas are between a rock and a hard place. Go east to go west; go west to go east. Delta and American do that to you. Continental isn't much better. What's sometimes frustrating is looking down from 35,000 feet, seeing your house and knowing that it will be many, many hours before you get there.

I am so happy you are having a wonderful trip. I was in Hot Springs the other day, and it's still there.



Sounds like...

A wonderful trip. The land down under is one of those places that's been on my list of places to visit for ages.

I came "this" close (& it's still possible) to spending a month in Little Rock... I was a tad nervous, to be honest.

I suspect you'll be back on this side of the big pond when you read this (if you do) so I'll welcome you back North.


Last time I saw flying monkeys - was on the Stage! :-)

Enjoy Oz, as long as you can.
